The Pros of Living in a Planned Community

The Pros of Living in a Planned Community
Chris Grasso

Though planned communities got started in the 1930s, they have evolved since that time. No longer the cookie-cutter communities of the past, these beautifully planned suburbs have versatility and creativity: all the things today’s homeowners want when they settle down. If you’re in the market for a new home, consider the advantages of living in a planned community to decide if it’s the right fit for you and your family.

Accessibility and Easy Commuting

Planned communities are typically set up as suburbs, so they go up just outside cities or downtown areas. They’re ideal if you have a job in town but don’t necessarily want to live in the city. These communities are also great options for families with children who go to a school in the city. You get to enjoy privacy in an attractive community and you’re close to busier, more bustling areas without actually living within a crowded area.

Commutes are usually easy because the communities are initially planned with convenience in mind. This means that there are also shops, grocery stores, and restaurants nearby, usually in the closest little town. Everything you need, from your job to your favorite store, is essentially right there.

A Sense of Community

One of the joys of living in a neighborhood is the sense of community it brings. Knowing and even befriending your neighbors, arranging dinner parties, play groups, and block parties, and having people on whom to rely are all benefits of living in a planned community, because the community itself is built-in. Your children have other kids with whom to play, you can make friends, and everyone helps each other. This creates a wonderful vibe in which to live, because it’s almost like you have an enormous extended family—even if you have the requisite haunted house or grouchy neighbor.

Soothing Natural Surroundings

Even in the suburbs, it’s sometimes difficult to find greenery, trees, gardens, and flowers when you live near a city. In planned communities the houses are exquisitely landscaped, the yards have trees, and there are even wooded areas surrounding the individual neighborhoods and the community parameters. Children have the chance to climb trees, homeowners can create gardens, and local picnics are a pleasure.

A Larger Variety

Homes and communities have more variety than they once did. There are no longer streets and streets of houses or lots that look exactly the same. Travisso homes, for example, are easily tailored to a homeowner’s specifications. You can have something different from your neighbors and assert your personality and creativity. This is due to the fact that as well as versatile architecture, planned communities also use a variety of builders and contractors.

There’s often a difference in the types of homes offered as well. In a given community, you may find patio homes, town houses, single-family dwellings, and all sorts of other options. These communities are great places for any type of budget. There’s certainly something for every potential homeowner.

Lots of Little Extras

These communities often have extras as well. You could enjoy such features as community pools, parks, and even neighborhood lakes or ponds. This makes the surroundings more attractive and it provides more options for fun and entertainment, especially for families with children.

Full Safety and Security

Planned and gated communities have the added benefit of being protected. The entrance to the community is likely guarded by qualified professionals. This keeps your home and your belongings safe. More importantly, you'll feel safer because someone is always watching out for you, your family, and your property.

The Promise of Maintenance and Repairs

It’s also easier to get routine maintenance and repairs done in this type of community. The community may have a list of workers, plumbers, electricians, and similar repairmen on call. Many of them also have people to take care of the community property, such as the parks, gardens, and landscaping. Not only is this convenient, but it can save money as well. There are places like that have 24 hour maintenance as their staff stays on site to be available to you.

Living in a planned community has many advantages that make them appealing to first-time homeowners, second- or third-time buyers, and even renters. Have you ever considered living in a planned community yourself?

Chris is a freelance writer who also enjoy going fishing. He enjoys the sunshine and all kinds of outdoor activities. Email Chris at [email protected]
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