“The November Man” Star Pierce Brosnan Is the Perfect Gentleman During Reditt’s AMA

“The November Man” Star Pierce Brosnan Is the Perfect Gentleman During Reditt’s AMA
Pierce Brosnan seen at The World Premiere of 'November Man' on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014 at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision for Relativity Studios/AP Images)
Kristina Skorbach

During a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) session, actor Pierce Brosnan revealed some of his hobbies, likes, and his latest charitable work. He is currently in New York City promoting “The November Man.”

He told his fans he likes pasta, Earl Grey tea, he likes dogs, and he takes his vodka martinis “straight up with a twist.”

While remaining the perfect Irish gentleman that he is, Brosnan was polite, honest, and straightforward. 

He also revealed his creative, softer side by saying that the last film that made him cry was Michael Cane’s “Last Love,” and that he paints in his spare time. Brosnan described the relationship between his two dogs as “unquestionably sound and meaningful.” 

Even though for some fans he will always remain Agent 007, Brosnan will be appearing in his latest action thriller “The November Man,” as a ruthless former CIA operative who has a run in with his pupil. If Bond and The November Man had a run in, Brosnan says only one of them would walk out alive. 

“November Man. He would fight dirty. Absolutely,” Brosnan said.

To conclude his AMA, Brosnan said: “Thanks to one and all out there who have supported my career all these years. I am forever grateful to you. I really, sincerely, hope you enjoy The November Man. I shall carry on doing my best to entertain you all. And love life! Be lucky! Do good things.” 

Below is the complete session. 

Q: Were you offered lifetime Aston Martin privileges like Daniel Craig?

A: No. They gave me an Aston Martin, I have a beautiful Aston Martin, but not sure what the privileges are.

Q: have you checked for a button under the gear stick cap?

A: There is no button under the gear stick, no. Thank heavens.

Q: Hello Mr. Brosnan! How would James Bond take down Jason Bourne?

A: With one bullet.

Q: Mr. Brosnan, I think I can speak for an entire generation of people to say thank you as we grew up with you as our Bond, and I think you brought something to the screen that no other Bond was capable of. You had the charm and wit of a dashing playboy, but still had the suave and confident action hero spy moves to go along with it. Every Bond has their strengths, but I think you carried the franchise back into popularity. So my question is what is your favorite Bond movie? Both yours and not yours?

A: My movies would be the GoldenEye, I love that movie, it was the first one out the gate, so to speak. And then Goldfinger, because it was the first James Bond film I saw as a boy, fresh off the plane from Ireland in 1964. Thank you for the compliment.

Q: Mr. Bond, do you feel any remorse in killing 006 (aka Sean Bean) and therefore starting a trend in which he must be killed in nearly every role henceforth? I'll take my answer off the air. Edit: Clip for reference HERE

A: Haha! I had no problems with killing 006. He deserved it. He got in the way, was in the way, and had to be done in. Poor Sean. What can I say?

Q: what were your thoughts when you read the script for mars attacks? It’s a very whacky movie and you did a hilarious job in it!

A: Well, I love the world of Tim Burton. I just think he’s a unique storyteller and director on the Hollywood stage, or any kind of cinematic stage, come to that. I thought that the idea of turning bubblegum cards about Martians taking over the world, making it into a movie with an ensemble cast, was just a brilliant idea.

Q: Would it really be that bad of a thing to die by Famke Janssen squeezing the life out of you with her legs?

A: Hehe. When that time comes... it would be nice to go with Famke. Love Famke Janssen.

Q: What is your favorite animal?

A: The dog. I just love dogs. I’ve had many dogs in my life, and my dog now, Shiloh, is a rescue dog from Hawaii, and we have another new rescue dog right now, and their companionship is... unquestionably sound and meaningful.

Q: What is the proper way to take a cup of tea?

A: Well, you have to warm the pot, it’s essential that you warm the pot. And a spoon of tea for each person, and one for luck. let it brew a couple of minutes, and then you pour the tea in, and then you pour the milk in. Sugar, if that is your desire.

Q: ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is one of the all time great comedies. Could you share a funny or interesting story about working with Robin Williams?

A: Robin Williams, I adored him. He will be forever in my heart, and making Mrs. Doubtfire was one of those joyous jobs that doesn’t come around that often. Every day was an adventure with Robin. You never knew what was going to come out of the man’s mouth. I didn’t work with Robin Williams, I worked with Mrs. Doubtfire. He gave me a letter bound copy of the screenplay of Mrs. Doubtfire with an inscription saying “Thank you for putting up with this foulmouthed old bag.” because he would be foul, just go off and do standup routines, you know? As Mrs. Doubtfire. Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire doing a riff on Imelda Marcos’ shoes.

Q: PIERCE! Loved you in Goldeneye, so glad to see you’re back in the spy game for November Man! How do you take your vodka martinis in real life?

A: Straight up with a twist

Q: What’s your favorite place to visit when you’re in Ireland?

A: County Kerry. Brosnan, the Brosnan clan come from Kerry. My old man Tom Brosnan was a kind man. And the Brosnans run deep in that part of the world. It’s one of the most gorgeous parts of Ireland.

Q: Mr. Brosnan, What was it like getting hit in the head with that lime in Mrs. Doubtfire? Robin Williams looks like he had a pretty good arm – how many tries before that direct hit? Are there any other memorable moments from the set with Robin? Also, as a 90’s kid I have to say that you are my James Bond. Thank you for those films!

A: That was take 2 of it you saw in the movie. I thought we were going to be there all day, the first one whizzed by my head, and the second one is what you see in the film. The whole experience was a great joy. Working with Robin everyday, and Sally Field, and Chris Columbus, completely memorable.

Q: You seem to have a lot of running projects right now, are you in your ’second breath' life period now?

A: November Man is one of 7 films that I’ve done in the last 2 years, so it’s been a very productive time. And this is Irish dreamtime (my production company’s) our 10th film together, and my producing partner and I have made films like The Matador, The Thomas Crown Affair, and the November Man is a film we are deeply proud of.

Q: Mr. Brosnan, it is an honor to be here today. As a 30-something man, you were the Bond I grew up with, and I’m a big fan of your entire body of work as a result (Bond-bias, I suppose). My favorite film of yours is The Matador. I thought the character of Julian was fantastic, and during many of the scenes, you really seemed to be having fun playing up Julian’s lewd disposition and crippling insecurity (a total 180 from Bond). Since this came just three years after your last 007 outing, I was wondering if it was especially amusing for you to play an international man of mystery who was the opposite of James Bond in almost every regard?

A: Richard Shepherd who wrote & directed the Matador really came bearing gifts. He sent the script to me as a writing sample of his work, because he was hoping to do Thomas Crown too. And I loved his script The Matador so much that we went and made the movie in Mexico City. And Julian is just one of those audacious characters that gives an actor that wonderful kind of opportunity to be an unexpected surprise.

Q: Hey Pierce-last month my wife and I ran into you on our Honeymoon at a hotel in Kauai on the balcony. You were there with your son who just got a haircut and you were gracious enough to take a picture of my wife and I. We never let on that we recognized you because we didn’t want to bother you while you were with your son. Does ever happen? Did you wonder if we recognized you?

A: Well, as seeing as there were only 4 of us standing on the balcony, yes. Yes to both questions. And hope the marriage is going well.

Q: How do you keep your fantastic hair so well quaffed, no matter how disheveled you get it’s always perfect. Also I hold out hope that there is some sort of secret early gathering of all the James Bond actors, can you confirm this? If not can you make this happen and take pictures?!

A: There’s no secret gathering that I know of. And thank you for the compliments about my hair. Just good irish DNA.

Q: Will there be a rematch with Jimmy Fallon playing ‘GoldenEye’?

A: Highly unlikely.

Q: Mr. Brosnan, welcome! I was wondering what you favorite book is? Thanks so much!

A: Grapes of Wrath.

Q: Did you get that Jaw of yours seen to? http://pixelatedgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/1240785216881.jpg

A: Oh that’s crazy! I love it. This is the first time I’ve seen this piece of artwork. I think it has a rather delightful neanderthal look to it.

Q: Mr. Brosnan, You wore an Omega Seamaster in your Bond films and a Panerai in After the Sunset. What’s in your personal watch collection? Mind showing us a picture?

A: Panerais are magnificent timepieces. Omegas are magnificent timepieces. The one I’m wearing right now is Blancpain and it’s from my wife. And has an inscription on the back of it, which says “Time flies on love’s wings. Happy 50th.” So I have a collection of about 15 watches, and they are all beautiful timepieces which I have collected. I love watches.

Q: Who is your favorite superhero?

A: I don’t have one.

Q: Pierce, You were a great Bond but I always thought you'd make for a great Batman. Were you ever approached for that role?

A: Yes, I did. I went and met with Tim Burton for the role of Batman. But I just couldn’t really take it seriously, any man who wears his underpants outside his pants just cannot be taken seriously. That was my foolish take on it. It was a joke, I thought. But how wrong was I? Don’t get me wrong, because I love Batman, and I grew up on Batman. As a kid in Ireland, we used to get our raincoats and tie them round our neck and swing through the bicycle shed...

Q: If you had to choose one car that you used in the james bond movies that you starred, which one would you choose?

A: I have one. The Aston Martin Vanquish.

Q: Hi Pierce, You seem like a cool guy. Question is, what was the last film you teared up at?

A: I watched a film with Michael Caine the other day, called Last Love, and I thought it was a very tender piece. Michael got me.

Q: Do you dread meeting people in swivel chairs?

A: I like all people in swivel chairs.

Q: Mr. Brosnan, What hobbies or leisure activities do you enjoy in your downtime?

A: I play tennis, paddle board, go biking, hiking, golf. And I paint.

Q: Pierce, I want to buy one of your paintings. You are a beautiful artist. How can we go about making this happen?

A: Hey, okay. Well, my paintings are not for sale. I have made giclees of a couple of pieces of art, and I usually give those to charities. But I am curating my art and I’m hoping to have an exhibit of my paintings next year sometime.

Q: November Man looks great from the footage I’ve seen. What about this movie, made it fun to work on?

A: Making it with my producing partner and my good friend Roger Donaldson. And in the company of Olga Kurylenko, Luke Bracey, and in the company of everyone in Belgrade. Who just gave of themselves to us in the film. For that, I will be forever grateful.

Q: Who would win in a fight, the November Man or James Bond?

A: November Man. He would fight dirty. Absolutely.

Q: What motivated you to become an actor?

A: Well, I didn’t have much else going in my life. And it seemed like a good idea. I just love the world of actors. I love the company. I love being an actor. I’ve been an actor all my life. And actors are some of the most remarkable people I know. The courage it takes to be an actor, and the humility and the grace under pressure of it all, is just one of those rare gifts.

Q: You seem to favor the slick heist genre. What would be your personal master heist and how would you do it?

A: whistles Oh, there are a few paintings that I love & cherish very much. I think it would be remiss of me to go into any further detail than that. And there are a number of museums around the world that lend themselves to a theatrical production of Thomas Crown again...

Q: What is your favorite Irish food? Favorite beer?

A: I love Guinness. Irish food? Well, hmm. Irish food. Potatoes? And stew? Not my favorite. But it'll do.

Q: Pierce, I love your work. You re-vitalized the bond series and brought me into my teen years with “Thomas Crown Affair.” Thanks. Did you ever get to keep any of the bond gadgets? Whats your favorite piece of set memorabilia? Good luck with the new film, I'll be sure to see it!

A: I only kept one piece of memorabilia from the Bond movies, and it’s a credit card that also doubles as a lock pick. And that’s it, really.

Q: Hi Mr Brosnan, I have to make a dish for a family potluck this weekend. Do you have any recommendations?

A: Irish Stew!

Q: Omg will you work with Meryl Streep again?

A: That remains to be seen. I love Meryl, and the Mamma Mia of life is just one of those joys that you keep close forever.

Q: Why did you let Jimmy Fallon win? Was it to keep your cover intact?

A: Ha. No, he just beat me fair & square. Maybe we'll have a rematch someday.

Q: Have you always been so incredibly dashing or did you have to work at it? -also, upon writing this comment, it occurred to me that the current Bond is lacking that quality entirely.

A: Oh golly, gosh darn it. What can i say? I just have good Irish DNA genes. I scrub up well. Long may it last. And Danny Craig has got his style, and Brosnan has got his. And I saved the world 4 times, and Daniel can carry on saving the world until he’s sick of it and wants to move on.

Q: Hey Pierce what did you have for breakfast?

A: I had 2 soft-boiled eggs. Orange Juice. And a pot of earl grey tea.

Q: Hi Pierce whats it like to work with Aaron Paul and who is your favourite Bond? And if you’re stranded on an island, you get to choose between a mermaid, or the reverse of one (top half fish, bottom half human). What do you choose?

A: Oh, working with Aaron Paul & Toni Collette & Imogen Poots on The Long way down was one of those rare occasions when you are working with actors that become family in your life. Aaron is such a gifted young actor and has such a magnificent countenance and a voice. I wish the world for him. He works hard, and is disciplined. A great soul, very cool.

Q: Hi Mr. Brosnan, any lasting memories (fond or otherwise) from filming Grey Owl in Canada?

A: I just had such a beautiful time up in Canada, and going to work every day and paddling the waterways, the rivers there. And being in the company of Lord Richard Attenborough is a memory I will always cherish.

Q: Why do you choose more drama movies over sci-fi and fantasy? Will we see you in the latter in the future?

A: That’s very possible that you will see me in a science fiction movie. I love science fiction. The movies that I make are movies that have just found me at the right place and time, and the November Man movie is something that my company and my partner and I have worked on for 5 years and that has now found the light of day. And there will be another November Man, which we will start on sometime next year! We’ve already started talk about story outlines. It’s from a series of 13 books, so there’s a rich well of storytelling there and characters.

Q: Roger Donaldson has directed some of the all time greats, Pacino, Hopkins, Costner, Robin Williams, and of course yourself. What do you both have in store for us with ‘The November Man’?

A: It’s a fast-paced action thriller which I’m very proud of.

Q: What is your favourite food dish to eat?

A: I love pasta. I love my wife’s cooking. My wife is a remarkable cook. And just a remarkable girl.

Q: I’m sure you get offerered a lot of interesting roles so what was the biggest reason in deciding to star in the November Man?

A: The books by Bill Granger are very fertile in character and in story content. And after my time as James Bond, there was a certain void there, and a need to create an action hero for myself that would fill that space. And it was unfinished business, somewhat. And the books by Bill Granger, well the character, Peter Devereaux that I play, is a complex, cultured, badass guy that I really had so much fun playing.

Q: Hello Mr. Brosnan, huge fan. I’m curious, what’s your favorite kind of tea?

A: Earl Grey, French Blue.

Q: Hi Pierce. How are ya doing today?

A: I’m doing really well today, thank you. I’m having an enjoyable time in New York City. I love this city, I’m very proud of everyone’s work in November Man, so it’s very wonderful to be able to celebrate this film with you all in New York City.

Q: How fun was it working on Mars Attacks?

A: Mars Attacks, in the company of all these great actors, was a joy. It was great making Tim Burton laugh. He is an infectious director who just gives you free reign to play in these great fantasy movies of his. And one of the great friendships that came out of this was my friendship with the late Rod Steiger. He and I became good friends, and he was a magnificent actor.

Q: Thanks for doing this AMA Pierce! As much as I love movies and tv, I’ve found that many of the most memorable performances I’ve seen in recent years have come from video games like The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite. With the growing popularity of video games as an artistic medium, would you ever consider acting in one?

A: I have considered it, very much so. And now with the advent of the November Man movie in my life, and the possibilities of its franchise potential, you might just see me in a videogame. It’s a possibility.

Q: Hello Mr. Brosnan, What environmental and charitable work are you involved in at the moment? And what work are you looking forward to doing in the future?

A: I have done a considerable amount of work with the NRDC over the years, who are a magnificent organization protecting the environment. And the one that is close to my heart right now is the protection of the oceans and marine life. As I’ve made 7 movies in the last 2 years, some of this work has suffered. But I’m still dedicated to the cause of protecting the planet and women’s healthcare.

Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.
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