The Momentum Is With Trump: Graham

The Momentum Is With Trump: Graham
Republican incumbent Sen. Lindsey Graham speaks to supporters at the Horry County Republican Headquarters during a campaign bus tour in Conway, South Carolina, on Oct. 31, 2020. Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images
Harry Lee
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) expressed optimism on President Donald Trump’s reelection during an interview with Fox News.

“When I mention Amy Barrett’s name, it gets a louder applause than Trump or Graham,” Graham stated of the recent confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett. “She excites the base.”

Graham, as the Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee, presided over the confirmation hearing of Amy Coney Barrett.

The third quarter 33 percent GDP growth right before the election is also “huge for President Trump,” Graham continued.

“The war being declared by Biden on oil and gas was maybe the biggest political mistake in a debate in modern history,” suggested Graham.

“I think that alone flips Pennsylvania,” Graham later added.

Graham also talked about the Hunter Biden scandal.

“I hear Hunter Biden a lot. People are beginning to reassess the whole Biden campaign,” Graham said, “The Hunter Biden corruption is penetrating with independents.”

Graham was referring to recent explosive reports by New York Post, based on data found on a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden and on statements made by his former business partner Tony Bobulinski, claiming that the Hunter Biden was leveraging his relationship with his father to strike multi-million dollar deals with foreign entities.

Joe Biden consistently dismissed it as a “smear campaign.”

However, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters believe it’s likely that Biden was consulted about and perhaps profited from Hunter’s overseas business deals, stated Rasmussen Reports.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, described Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings as “a huge mess” during the same interview, that is “not going away, particularly if [former] Vice President Biden becomes the president.”

The polling average still shows Biden ahead by 6.8 points on the day before the election.

Trump’s rallies are making a difference, Graham concluded, “Keep it up, Mr. President. The momentum is with Republicans, is with Trump.”

Trump participated in five rallies on Sunday and is scheduled to attend another five rallies Monday.
Isabel van Brugen and Tom Ozimek contributed to this report.