These days, it isn’t enough to keep tabs on your product mix, budget, and go-to-market strategies. Now, small-business owners must consider how their current resources (people, in particular) line up with evolving marketing trends.
Even though resources are most likely a steady topic of discussion for small-business owners, the question today is: Does your marketer have the ideal skill set to keep up with the evolution of this role?
The marketing role is paramount to businesses given the proliferation of online capabilities. There is so much more to consider and it goes beyond a thirty-second commercial spot. Individuals who are successful typically can perform the following tasks with some proficiency: marketing technology, audience targeting, data analytics, consumer engagement, and conversion tactics.
As a small-business owner considering who to hire for this important role, be sure the candidate is nimble and has skills that blend not only traditional brand/product management, but also can manage content and Web analytics. Changes in this field are rapid, and many businesses large and small are struggling to keep pace. If the right resource heads this role, then you are already positioning yourself to have an advantage over competitors.
Here are some other areas to consider in addition to tracking marketing return on investment (ROI): ability to track and influence sales, adoption of enhanced marketing strategies and creative techniques and reviewing, and understanding the data collected.
It’s not enough to upgrade your practices. Take care to review who is currently leading your marketing. This person must be dynamic enough to assist in keeping your business (or product mix) top-of-mind and present where your consumers are playing.
Adele Lassere is a marketing/advertising consultant with 20+ of years experience, freelance writer, and author of “Elements of Buying: A How To Reference Guide on Advertising for Business Owners,” available at Adele was listed on Black Enterprise’s 2011 Top Execs in Marketing & Advertising and Black Enterprise’s 2013 Top Women Executives in Advertising & Marketing. Contact: [email protected]
The Marketing Corner: Transforming the Marketer
Now, small-business owners must consider how their current resources (people, in particular) line up with evolving marketing trends.