The Marketing Corner: Right Message, Right Place

Marketing campaigns are taking on many non-traditional forms.
The Marketing Corner: Right Message, Right Place

Benjamin Franklin once said: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

This couldn’t be truer given the complexity of today’s marketing campaigns. Marketing fundamentals are evolving as the digital landscape continues to change. To be an adept marketer means one needs to be in a state of learning, because consumers are constantly shifting their behavior at an incredible pace.

Marketing campaigns are taking on many non-traditional forms. Social media has spurred on a need for marketing to be within environments which consumers deem important. After all, consumers take on many identities as they surf the internet. For example within social communities, their persona can vary from interested, active participant, to leader of a given topic or concern. As such, marketing campaigns need to be channel agnostic.

Marketing campaigns are taking on many non-traditional forms.

Video is leading the consumption habits of consumers online. The term video has taken on expanded meaning to include live television viewing, online/mobile video, video on demand (VOD), and social video. Premium videos, especially, are in high demand! Marketers actively seek these coveted environments to generate high views/traffic for their messages. This should be at the forefront when creating messages that not only break through the clutter but resonate and add value to the consumer.

The heat which marketers are feeling from the C-suite to deliver against a specific set of metrics within the various environments they are executing campaigns are tangible. Many question the ability to measure results effectively. But it starts with having the right message within the appropriate environment (or place).

It is equally important that messages are created for the various channels (social, digital, TV, radio, etc.) that they are placed within. Using a television spot may not be the best choice if placing a message on social media. Additionally, set up your metrics prior to campaign launch. Some key performance indicators (KPI) could be sales conversions, revenue, impressions, Facebook “likes”, and click thru ratio (CTR) to name a few.

Use of third party studies are good to gain a sense of brand affinity and purchase intent. Finally, as the leader of marketing strategy, be sure to be involved in the process so learning can be gleaned and use those learning to optimize while your messages while you are still in-market.

Adele Lassere is a marketing/advertising consultant, freelance writer and author of “Elements of Buying” (a self-help advertising guide), available at Adele was listed as Black Enterprise’s 2016 Women of Power in Advertising & Marketing and 2013 Top Women Executives in Advertising & Marketing. Contact: [email protected]