The Marketing Corner: Mobile’s Impact on Dining

Use mobile apps to increase traffic to your restaurant.
The Marketing Corner: Mobile’s Impact on Dining
A GrubHub sticker in front of a New York restaurant, on April 4, 2014, lets consumers know that food ordering is available online and in mobile. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

Americans spend a lot of time talking about food. Just take a look at Instagramand the numerous photos uploaded daily by users taking pictures of their meals.

But getting to that meal can sometime become an adventure in itself. Below are several familiar sound bites that are echoed daily across the country:

  • What’s for breakfast?
  • Where are we going for lunch?
  • What’s for dinner?
  • Can we go out for dinner?
  • How about a snack?
  • I don’t feel like eating that?

Sounds familiar? We’ve all probably have had these discussions with family, friends, coworkers, and even ourselves. There are mobile apps that collect location information on restaurants nearby, restaurants trends, as well as restaurant menus and promotional offerings. Because of the immediacy that the mobile platform offers, decisions can be made quickly to answer those redundant questions (above) faced daily by consumers.

Restaurant owners can provide a point of differentiation by allowing users to connect via mobile devices or apps. Granted, online ordering is not yet pervasive. However, it is rapidly growing in appeal. Many restaurants are offering ways to expedite ordering and paying via mobile and online. One way to get the consumer to use mobile apps is by building a loyalty program. This keeps that consumer coming back to you versus going to a competitor. For younger demographics, this is synergistic to their use of technology and in many cases is a preferred method than carrying another card in their wallet. As technology continues to blossom and more security methods are put in place, consumers will increasingly adopt mobile as an avenue to decide where to eat.

Here’s an example to consider. is an online order/pay platform in select markets. It allows users via app or mobile device to quickly scan for a variety of information: user ratings on a particular restaurant, business hours, menus, and more. Consumers can pay via credit card, PayPal, or cash. Delivery or pick-up service is available. This site is basically an aggregator of a variety of restaurants using the platform to get to hungry consumers. It’s a simple concept and yet it offers a loyalty program to keep users using their services! Best of all, GrubHub is not the provider of food. It helps to connect consumers with restaurants.

As the landscape continues to get crowded and competition becomes even more heated, it is best to think outside of the box. Review current plans to determine what tactics can set your business apart from the pack. Look at ways to use mobile apps to enhance restaurant offerings. Don’t be afraid to seek out alliances that may make sense, such as GrubHub, which can drive more business to you.

Adele Lassere is a marketing/advertising consultant with 20+ years experience, freelance writer and author of “Elements of Buying” (self-help advertising guide), available at Adele was listed as Black Enterprise’s 2011 Top Execs in Marketing & Advertising and Black Enterprise’s 2013 Top Women Executives in Advertising & Marketing. Contact: [email protected]