The Marketing Corner: Deciphering Social Media Users

If you had to place a bet in Las Vegas on whom you thought were the most active users of social media, you might guess partly right.
The Marketing Corner: Deciphering Social Media Users

If you had to place a bet in Las Vegas on whom you thought were the most active users of social media, you might guess partly right.

After all, there are innate beliefs about social media and who uses it with regularity. In fact, women, urban dwellers, Hispanics, consumers ages 18–29, and users earning less than $30,000 per year with some college education lead the pack for high users of social media. What’s nice about this stat is that these users are urbanites! For small-business owners, this provides scale and efficiencies when developing and deploying marketing campaigns.

Two extremely popular social media sites used more by urban dwellers are: Instagram and Twitter. In addition, African-Americans and users age 18–29 are also commonplace on these two social media sites. Conversely, Pinterest, another popular social media site tends to attract: rural dwellers, women, white, and higher income levels. Facebook, of course, has mass appeal by all demographics. By breaking the DNA code of social media sites and their users, small-business owners can maximize return on investment with smaller budgets by capturing those consumers most desired, thereby eliminating waste!

Remember: all demographics (African-Americans, white, males, and higher income earners) use social media too. It just pays to understand what sites are being used by whom. Plus, don’t discount the older demographics, those aged 30-49. Believe it or not, this group has increased its social media presence online.

As with all best practices and deployed marketing plans, continue to review, test, and learn the habits of your desired consumer audiences.

Adele Lassere is a marketing/advertising consultant with 20+ years of experience, freelance writer, and author of “Elements of Buying: A How To Reference Guide on Advertising for Business Owners,” available at Adele was listed on Black Enterprise’s 2011 Top Execs in Marketing & Advertising and Black Enterprise’s 2013 Top Women Executives in Advertising & Marketing. Contact: l[email protected]