The Goldensides Hike in Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon

The Goldensides Hike in Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon
Leigh McAdam, Hike Bike Travel

One of the great and super accessible hikes to do in Tombstone Territorial Park is the Goldensides hike. It wasn’t even on our radar. But then a ranger showed up while we were putting up our tent and told us another ranger would be leading a hike starting at 7 PM. That beat sitting around our picnic table so we decided to go. (As a side note, during the summer, there are ranger led hikes most evenings. Check the schedule at the Interpretative Centre.)


(Leigh McAdam, Hike Bike Travel)
Leigh McAdam, Hike Bike Travel


The Goldensides hike starts at KM 74.5 on the Dempster Highway. The trailhead is well-signed and easy to find. From the Tombstone Interpretative Centre it is at most, a 10 minute drive north. The hike itself is only 3.4 kilometres round-trip – the perfect length for an after dinner hike. It climbs a total of 210 metres and can be done in about 90 minutes. If it’s a nice day you’re going to want to give yourself more time to explore and take photos at the top.


(Leigh McAdam, Hike Bike Travel)
Leigh McAdam, Hike Bike Travel


Even though it’s a short hike, it’s prudent to take warm clothes, rain gear, water and a can of bear spray.

If there is still some daylight at the end of the hike, then a drive to one of the many informal viewpoints along the Dempster Highway would be worthwhile, especially since dusk (and dawn) is when you’re most likely to see wildlife.


(Leigh McAdam, Hike Bike Travel)
Leigh McAdam, Hike Bike Travel


This article was written by Leigh McAdam and originally published on Read the original here.