Testimonials From People Who Benefited From The Epoch Times (Part 1)

Testimonials From People Who Benefited From The Epoch Times (Part 1)
The Epoch Times newspaper. Epoch Times

Truly Independent Journalism

The concept of a free press was so essential to the Framers that they included it in the First Amendment as part of the Bill of Rights. In fact, no other industry or non-governmental business is so protected—and not just by law, but in the very framing of our liberties.

To paraphrase a well-known maxim—“with great constitutional protection there must also come great responsibility.” That is to say newspapers and electronic news sources that are now considered part of “the press” have a duty to live up to the highest standards of journalistic integrity. The Epoch Times takes that responsibility very seriously.

This type of truth-in-journalism is the main thing that sets us apart from most other media, as VIP Epoch Times readers often tell us.

Here are some testimonials from readers:

“As a subscriber to many national and international newspapers and magazines over the years, I can say without hesitation that your paper is the finest. Flawless writing, with the true facts behind the story where other papers fear to tread.” - Brian Anderson

“Real journalism must be the most exciting and dangerous job in the world! Thanks for having the courage and integrity to tell the truth. I look forward to every copy of the Epoch Times in my mailbox!” - Charlene A Davis

“I have been an Epoch Times subscriber since a coworker showed me the newspaper. As a librarian, it’s very hard these days to find a newspaper that cares more about the news instead of opinion or pushing an agenda. I have been very impressed with the non-partisan reporting of the journalists. I highly recommend reading!” - Eric Alan

“Very informative and well-researched information that’s always ahead of the curve.” - John Allen Chadwick

“I respect the honest journalism practices of The Epoch Times. They provide insight that matters with factual content that gives me the confidence to make decisions independent of any spin. Truth and facts matter to this organization, which is why I chose The Epoch Times as my only news source. Absorbing facts is great but they have all the bells & whistles to go along with it. The Art section is one of my favorites. If you are looking for an all-around factual news source, subscribe to The Epoch Times. Worth every penny!” - Krista Droop

At The Epoch Times, we search for the story behind the story. We often devote two full pages—or more—to a single story so that you will have the in-depth reporting and the facts that you need to make up your own mind. We cover stories that other media simply choose to ignore. What matters at The Epoch Times is complete coverage of all sides of important issues so that you have an accurate understanding of the world.