Terrified Passenger Sends Family Last Goodbye as Jet Plummets for Emergency Landing

Terrified Passenger Sends Family Last Goodbye as Jet Plummets for Emergency Landing
A Jet2 passenger aircraft landing at Manchester International Airport approaches the runway on 28 January, 2008, Manchester, England. Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
NTD Television

A mother of two sent her husband what she thought would be one last goodbye when Jet2 plane descended for an emergency landing in Barcelona on Sunday,July 16, The Mirror reported.

“The plane is dropping and the oxygen masks have dropped down, if anything happens I love you,” Nickola Tye wrote in a text message to her husband.

Tye was on a plane from Ibiza, Spain, bound for Leeds, United Kingdom. At one point the crew asked the passengers to prepare for an emergency landing. Tye was able to film the frantic moments after the oxygen masks dropped down from the ceiling. At one point in the video, what sounds like a child screaming can be heard.

“Never a dull moment! Captain shouts ‘Emergency, emergency, prepare for descent’, oxygen masks drop down, plane starts to plummet!” Tye wrote on Facebook, according to The Mirror.

A Jet2 representative said that the airplane was diverted to Barcelona due to a minor technical issue.

“We are aware of some sensationalist reporting regarding this divert so we would like to point out that our highly trained crew followed procedure and made a controlled descent before landing safely,” the representative said.

The passengers were flown to Leeds in a replacement aircraft.

“We would like to apologize to customers who were affected, however their safety and well-being will always be our number one priority,” the Jet2 representative added.

John Hatfield from Normanby, United Kingdom, was among the passengers on the same flight. Hatfield told GazetteLive that the panel containing the oxygen masks for him and his girlfriend failed to open. His girlfriend called out for help, but instead of waiting Hatfield stood up and ripped down the panel to get to the masks.

“There were three people on our row. All three of us tried pressing the manual button and it just didn’t come down at all,” Hatfield said.

“My girlfriend started crying for help. She was shouting for help from the cabin crew, but they had run to their own seats. So the only thing left to do was put my hands up there and rip it down.”

From NTD Television