Ted Cruz: There’s No Alliance With Kasich

Ted Cruz denied any alliance with fellow GOP presidential candidate John Kasich, just days after announcing that they were forming an anti-Trump coalition.
Ted Cruz: There’s No Alliance With Kasich
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz is interviewed by host Bill O'Reilly during "The O'Reilly Factor" television program, on the Fox News Channel in New York, Monday, April 18, 2016. AP Photo/Richard Drew
Jonathan Zhou

Ted Cruz denied any alliance with fellow GOP presidential candidate John Kasich, just days after announcing that they were forming an anti-Trump coalition. 

Over the weekend, the Cruz and Kasich campaigns had sent out statements that the former would focus on Indiana, and the latter on New Mexico and Oregon, in a strategy alliance to deny Donald Trump the 1237 delegates needed to secure the nomination. 

“(O)ur campaign will focus its time and resources in Indiana and in turn clear the path for Gov. Kasich to compete in Oregon and New Mexico,” said Jeff Roe, Cruz’s campaign manager.

The winner-take-all rules of the late primaries means that it’s crucial for Cruz or Kasich to individually secure more votes than Trump in the primaries to deny him the delegates he needs. 

An ambiguous message from Kasich’s chief strategist was released earlier today, suggesting that Cruz had betrayed Kasich. 

Jonathan Zhou
Jonathan Zhou
Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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