Taking Pride in Plundering Organs in China

A conversation with a doctor from mainland China reveals how the atrocity of forced, live organ harvesting could be possible.
Taking Pride in Plundering Organs in China
Falun Gong demonstrators dramatize an illegal act of paying for human organs during a protest on April 19, 2006, in Washington, D.C. The transplantation of organs taken from prisoners of conscience has become a big business in China. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)
<a><img class="wp-image-1783076" title="1207240706412133_organ_dramatization" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/1207240706412133_organ_dramatization.jpg" alt="Falun Gong demonstrators dramatize an illegal act of paying for human organs" width="353" height="264"/></a>
Falun Gong demonstrators dramatize an illegal act of paying for human organs

In China, the Party instills in everyone that the Party’s dictates must be followed in all situations. Nothing is higher than the Party—not God, not individual conscience, not any idea of rights.

Communist youth organizations, the Chinese regime’s media and the propaganda it disseminates, and China’s arts all pound home the message that the Party is “great, glorious, and correct.”

Throughout the CCP’s history, it has periodically identified different groups to be targeted as enemies. Anything can be done to an enemy. Each time a group is targeted, the Chinese people are taught to fear the Party and to recognize that the only safe course in life is obedience.

Growing up in this Party culture, people take humiliating, torturing, and even killing as the norm as long as they can justify their actions from a political point of view

Falun Gong

Those who practice Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) are the group the CCP has most recently targeted. This ancient spiritual practice was first taught to the public in 1992 in Changchun, in northeastern China. Falun Gong involves doing five meditative exercises and living according to teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

Practitioners reported extraordinary improvements in their health and well-being, and the practice spread very rapidly by word of mouth throughout China. By 1999, there were more people practicing Falun Gong than were members of the CCP.

This scared then-CCP head Jiang Zemin and also aroused his jealousy. He hated Falun Gong for its popularity, and he feared the people of China would prefer its traditional moral teachings to communist ideology.

On July 20, 1999, Jiang launched a full-scale campaign to eradicate this practice from China.

Three months later, he issued an order to “destroy them [Falun Gong practitioners] physically, bankrupt them financially, and ruin their reputations.”

In April 2006, The Epoch Times broke the story that Falun Gong practitioners in detention were being used as donors for forced, live organ harvesting. Practitioners would be blood-tested and tissue-typed and then, when a patient presented who matched with a detained practitioner, the practitioner would be hauled into an operating room where the organs would be removed, killing the practitioner.


That Dr. Zhang practices at the Oriental Transplant Hospital is not surprising.

After The Epoch Times first started reporting on the forced organ harvesting, two Canadians, the former Canadian secretary of state (Asia-Pacific) and crown prosecutor David Kilgour and the international human rights lawyer David Matas investigated the allegations and found them to be true.

In their report, later published as the book Bloody Harvest, Kilgour and Matas provide screen shots from the Oriental Transplant Hospital website.

On one web page, the site posted a graph with a sharply ascending line showing the number of liver transplants done by the center. In the background appear the words “our achievements.”

The graph shows in 1998, the year before the persecution of Falun Gong started, that the hospital had done nine liver transplants, with the numbers increasing dramatically each year until it did 1,647 liver transplantations in 2005 alone.

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