‘Syrian Electronic Army' Hacks BBC Weather Twitter Account

BBC Weather Twitter feed was hacked by a group that calls themselves the “Syrian Electronic Army.” They support Bashar Al-Assad, the president of Syria. They hack certain groups’ social media accounts.
 ‘Syrian Electronic Army' Hacks BBC Weather Twitter Account
Screenshot of BBC Weather hacked by a group that hacks social media accounts. (Screenshot by Kelly Ni/Epoch Times Staff)

The BBC Weather Twitter feed was hacked by a group that calls themselves the “Syrian Electronic Army.” They are pro Bashar Al-Assad, the president of Syria. They hack certain groups’ social media accounts.

The ‘Syrian Electronic Army' used to “attack” certain Facebook pages, like that of U.S. President Barack Obama, by leaving a lot of comments expressing their anger at “foreign interference in Syria” and “western imperialism.”

But Facebook closed their Facebook page. They now hack certain groups’ social media accounts.

With Obama in Israel, the group tweeted violent threats aimed at Israel on March 21, from the hacked BBC Weather Twitter feed.  

The group once hacked Qatar-based media outlet Al-Jazeera, and the social media accounts of French news agency Agence France Press, and SkyNews Arabia. 

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