Eco Food Sales Go Up in Sweden

According to a recent survey by Swedish organic food group Ekoweb, sales of organic foods increased...
Eco Food Sales Go Up in Sweden
STOCKHOLM, Sweden—According to a recent survey by Swedish organic food group Ekoweb, sales of organic foods increased by 36 percent in 2008, up from the previous year.

The organization runs and, aimed at Sweden and Finland respectively. They summarize reports on organic foods and publish a free newsletter with close to 2,000 subscribers, every two weeks. In 2007, they claimed to have approximately 130,000 readers.

ICA, one of the largest supermarket chains in Sweden, lead the major jumps in organic food sales in 2008, increasing its sales by 50 percent.
A total of 6.1 billion kronas (approx. $700 million) worth of organic food was in Sweden in 2008.
The increase, however, now means there is a shortage of organic food on the Swedish market.
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