Susan Sarandon Reveals She ‘Felt Pressure’ to Support Hillary Clinton, But Won’t


Bernie Sanders has one shoo-in vote for New York’s April 19 primaries—Susan Sarandon.

During an appearance on ABC’s “The View”—when the topic of politics came up—Sarandon told the all-women panel that she felt pressure to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman herself.

“There certainly was pressure,” Sarandon said. “There’s been so many statements and shaming.”

The 69-year-old actress isn’t against the idea of a woman president, but...

“Don’t get me wrong, the idea of a woman president I know will happen, and I hope someday it can be the daughter of someone who’s not rich, who’s not married to someone who was a president, that can happen in this country,” Sarandon said as audience members clapped. “It’s not going to happen as long as we have ‘Citizens United’.”

The potential nomination of Sanders excites the New York native, who said he is the “only person that’s not connected to the machine.”

“That’s why I’m so excited because there’s never been a candidate, nor will there ever be a candidate in my lifetime, who hasn’t taken money from Wall Street, from super PACs, from Monsanto, from fracking, and I want someone with that moral commitment to people,” Sarandon said. 

And she’s not alone in her support for Sanders.

“Absolutely,” she said when asked by co-host Raven-Symone if they were closeted Sanders supporters. According to Sarandon, super delegates have expressed regret for not supporting Sanders initially, stating the coverage of his campaign has been “slanted.” 

“The fact of the matter is that he’s favored in the polls to beat Trump, and so when people say, ‘I don’t know if he can do it,’ it’s because they’re getting their news from other places,” Sarandon said. “The millennials were online really early so they’re all down. That’s what’s so exciting to see in this country, people saying, ‘You know, I want to fight for this guy. I’m going to fly to this state that’s so far away and leave my job for two weeks.’ I’m just so moved by the passion in these groups when I have introduced him and he’s so—he’s so authentic.” 

Sanders is behind Clinton for the race to become the Democratic candidate with 1,076 delegates to Clinton’s 1,758.