Susan Rice: ISIS ‘Barbarism Only Fortifies the World’s Resolve’

National Security Adviser Susan Rice outlined the new U.S. foreign policy in a speech at the Brookings Institution on Friday.
Susan Rice: ISIS ‘Barbarism Only Fortifies the World’s Resolve’
Obama's National Security Adviser Susan Rice on March 21, 2014 in Washington, DC.

A speech at the Brookings Institution on Friday anticipated as a major declaration of U.S. foreign strategy left many details to the imagination. In the speech, National Security Adviser Susan Rice said that “there is a loud debate in Washington about American leadership.”

Rice went on to say that through the new national security strategy, the United States plans to stake out a “much larger role” in the world.

The multi-part strategy outlined in Rice’s speech was accompanied by the simultaneous release of a 35-page policy paper. The strategy includes plans to focus on military and climate strategy, bolster economic prosperity, embody national values in theory and practice, and stabilize the international order.

Though Rice did state that the United States is “committed to fighting terrorism,” she reiterated that the government is hesitant about sending in ground troops in general. She also said that terrorism in particular is a “morphing challenge” and a “long-term struggle.”

“There will be setbacks,” said Rice of finding ways to combat threats such as those that come from the Islamic State group. “To degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL we’ve assembled a broad security coalition.”

According to Rice, the U.S.-led coalition has already taken out nearly 200 oil and gas facilities held by the group and killed thousands of ISIL fighters. She said that it also stopped siege of Kobani.

“ISIL should know that their barbarism only fortifies the world’s resolve,” she said.

Russia was also singled out for its aggression toward the Ukraine, which Rice described simply as “heinous.”

She added that thanks to the U.S., they are already paying the price, and they will continue to be pressured.  

“Without the U.S., Russia would have paid no cost for flaunting global rules,” she said. “Instead, the Ruble is in free fall.”

Throughout her speech, Rice reiterated the American position that American leadership is what’s most essential to global stability and advancement. The strategy also includes expanding global economic partnerships through trade and partnerships.