After Quitting the Chinese Communist Party, Family Harassed by National Security

After he quit the Party, San Yanjun’s relatives were harassed by National Security officers.
After Quitting the Chinese Communist Party, Family Harassed by National Security
San Yanjun fears for his family. (The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="San Yanjun fears for his family. (The Epoch Times)" title="San Yanjun fears for his family. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1828779"/></a>
San Yanjun fears for his family. (The Epoch Times)
After Sun Yanjun, a visiting scholar from Capital Normal University, Beijing, renounced his membership in the Chinese Communist Party through The Epoch Times this January, his family members in China were harassed by Chinese national security agents and the local police. Now, Sun Yanjun is deeply concerned about the harassment of his relatives in China.

Since his renouncement, Sun has been interviewed by many news media including The Epoch Times. He also published commentary articles and shared his thoughts after watching the Shen Yun Performing Arts show.

According to a witness, at 10 a.m., on April 8, a black sedan, with license plate “Beijing K,” drove into Xinhui Town of Aohan Banner, Inner Mongolia. The arrival of this official vehicle caused quite a stir and panic in this quiet little town. People wondered what had caused a visit from agents of the national security.

Four people got out of the car and went straight to Sun’s parent’s house. Both Sun Guoqiang and his wife Shi Wenlan were in bed due illness and refused to open the door. Subsequently, the police apprehended Sun Guoqiang’s daughter at work and forced her to take them to her grandparents. Sun’s parents unwillingly met with the agents.

The witness indicated that the visitors stayed at the Sun’s for approximately 40 minutes. Meanwhile, a police car with license plate “Mongolian B” parked next to the black sedan and three additional police officers were obviously on guard. Such an occurrence was extremely rare in that local. People suspected that the incident was related to the Sun’s oldest son, Sun Yanjun, being abroad.

An insider indicated that according to a source at the city police department, the national security office has taken the Sun family’s files from the local police department as early as 10 days prior to the visit.

Sun Yanjun was astonished and furious to hear about this news. He was deeply concerned for his family. He further explained that he’s deliberately not involved his parents because of their age and poor health. He only wished for them to have a peaceful and quiet life.

He said, “Whatever I have done, said, or chosen are entirely personal decisions and have nothing to do with my family.” He seriously condemned the Chinese Communist regime for their harassment of his elderly parents in spite of their ill health. He also demanded that the regime immediately stop being an enemy of the people; for he believes, that one day, people will fight back.

Sun Yanjun obtained his doctoral degree from the Department of Philosophy at Jilin University. He was the first resident of Aohan Banner to obtain a higher academic degree, and has been the pride of the locals. In 1999, he started teaching at Capital Normal University.

In April 2008, he came to the U.S. as a visiting scholar. In January 2009, he publicly renounced the Chinese Communist Party and resigned his official academic position through the Epoch Times web site.
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