State Matches City’s $71 Million for CUNY Repairs

The state government has agreed to match the $71 million approved in this year’s 2013 city capital budget to make repairs to City University of New York (CUNY) campuses.
State Matches City’s $71 Million for CUNY Repairs
Elected officials announce $71 million in city funding, to be matched by the state, allocated toward repairing and renovating CUNY campuses. (William Alatriste/New York City Council)
Catherine Yang
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1781111" title="Elected officials announce $71 million in city funding, to be matched by the state, allocated toward repairing and renovating CUNY campuses. (William Alatriste/New York City Council)" src="" alt="Elected officials announce $71 million in city funding, to be matched by the state, allocated toward repairing and renovating CUNY campuses. (William Alatriste/New York City Council)" width="590" height="393"/></a>
Elected officials announce $71 million in city funding, to be matched by the state, allocated toward repairing and renovating CUNY campuses. (William Alatriste/New York City Council)

NEW YORK—The state government has agreed to match the $71 million approved in this year’s 2013 city capital budget to make repairs to City University of New York (CUNY) campuses, elected officials announced at LaGuardia Community College Wednesday.

The city funding will be allocated over four years, split by the City Council and Bloomberg administration.

“Education is the foundation for advancement, and our institutions of higher learning should reflect that commitment to success,” Council Speaker Christine Quinn said in a release.

LaGuardia Community College, where more than 50,000 students attend each year, will be the first campus to be renovated. The terra-cotta facade of the nearly 100-year-old center’s three buildings will be replaced with a more modern-looking, energy-efficient one.

Dr. Gail Mellow, president of the college, said the funding would “ensure a safe and productive learning environment.”

Each CUNY campus across the city will undergo repairs.

The infrastructure upgrades include critical repairs to central heating, cooling, and electrical distribution in Bronx Community College, and roof replacements and accessibility upgrades in Queensborough Community College.

Hostos Community College is undergoing long-term, comprehensive renovations at its five-story 500 Grand Concourse facility. Floors one and five have already been renovated and the funding will be used to complete the remaining floors.

Kingsborough Community College will modernize its fire alarm system and repair and replace roofs.

Borough of Manhattan Community College currently has deteriorated windows and maintenance issues that will be able to be addressed with the new funding.

“This funding will provide a necessary uplift to CUNY’s infrastructure and ensure that the students attending our city’s institutions get a first rate education in a first class setting,” said Council Member Robert Jackson, chair of the Education Committee, in a release.

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