Star Wars on SNL: Watch Kylo Ren Go ‘Undercover’ on Starkiller Base

Kylo Ren, the antagonist in the Star Wars reboot, is already an popular subject of parody, with Twitter accounts like “Emo Kylo Ren” garnering hundreds of thousands of followers.
Jonathan Zhou

Kylo Ren, the antagonist in the latest “Star Wars” film, is already a popular subject of parody, with Twitter accounts like “Emo Kylo Ren” garnering hundreds of thousands of followers.

SNL took it one step further this weekend, when host Adam Driver, who plays Ren in the movie, reprised his role in a semi-official parody.

In the sketch, the neurotic, paranoid Ren goes undercover as a Starkiller Base radar technician named Matt to check up on his underlings, with predictably hilarious results.

After a few awkward encounters among the rank-and-file members of the First Order, Ren blows his cover by Force-choking a stormtrooper who trash talks Ren, not knowing that he’s sitting right across from him at the lunch table.

Near the end of the sketch, “Matt” reveals that he’s Kylo Ren, but everyone already knew that.

“I knew when you threw me into the soda machine,” said the stormtrooper who had insulted Ren to his face.

“I knew from, ‘Hi, I’m Matt,’” said Zack, a lieutenant colonel of the First Order.

Jonathan Zhou
Jonathan Zhou
Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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