Star Wars Is Back. Get in Mood With These Most Hilarious Stormtrooper Pictures

Star Wars Is Back. Get in Mood With These Most Hilarious Stormtrooper Pictures
Petr Svab

In just five months the new “Star Wars: Force Awakens” hits movie theaters, yet for many the force never went to sleep in the first place. Perhaps one of the most amusing examples is the never-ending stream of increasingly sophisticated photos of Star Wars stormtrooper action figures in imaginative and comical compositions.

Just to be sure, there are well over thousand of such pictures out there so narrowing the selection down to less than 30 really presents only the best of the best and the funniest of the funniest. At least in my humble opinion.

What stroke me was the incredible versatility of the figures, including how anatomically plausible they look in different poses. I mean, the YMCA stormtroopers? Priceless. And the twister game? I'd say the ultimate test of the action figure flexibility.

Among the more subtle realizations was the possibility to express plethora of meanings just through poses, as there are no facial expressions to play with. And the last but not the least: The craftiness of the photographers in creating the settings, finding all the tiny props, etc.

There’s definitely more out there so I may revisit this topic again in the future. This time I wanted to focus on the more “signature” stormtrooper humor. And just for variety, I added one picture with no stormtroopers at all. Some may argue it breaks the flow a bit, but it’s still Star Wars-themed and I'd say pretty clever too.

If you'd appreciate more on this topic, or if you have stumbled upon even better stormtrooper pictures, feel free to leave a comment.

Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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