Stacey Dash Attacks Leonardo DiCaprio Because of Oscars Speech

Stacey Dash slams Leonardo DiCaprio’s climate change awareness Oscars Speech after winning best actor for “The Revenant.”
Stacey Dash Attacks Leonardo DiCaprio Because of Oscars Speech
Actress Stacy Dash presents on stage at the 88th Oscars on February 28, 2016 (Photo credit MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)

Stacey Dash has done it again.

In a blog post she wrote on Thursday, March 10, Dash let out her disapproval of Leonardo DiCaprio’s climate change awareness Oscars Speech. 

“Quit being Chicken Little—the sky is not falling,” she said in the post. Still, she admitted his best actor win for “The Revenant” was “well deserved.”

The problem was what DiCaprio said after the win:

“Climate change is real. It is happening right now. It’s the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters or the big corporations, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people who will be most affected by this.”

He needs to get his priorities straight. I would leave him alone, except that his rhetoric isn't cheap.
Stacey Dash