Southern Mom Has a Drastic Solution After Her Disobedient Children Wouldn’t Stay Off Their Phones

Epoch Newsroom

A mother in the southern U.S. got fed up with her children being on their phones all the time.

She believed their increasingly disobedient behavior stemmed primarily from spending so much time on social media, so she confiscated and shot their iPhones—with a rifle.

I hereby denounce the effects that social media have on my children.

“I hereby denounce the effects that social media have on my children,” she shouts before shooting the phones with a rifle. ‘Their disobedience and their disrespect." Note: Video contains crude language.

The unidentified man behind the camera then picks up the phone pieces and puts them back on the tree trunk so the woman can shoot them again.

“'I also take back my role as parent to my children,” the woman yells. It’s unclear where the video was recorded.

The camera then pans over three children, with one flipping his mother off.

She later approaches the remaining phone pieces with a sledgehammer and hits them a few times.

Finally, she screams “I’m done!” and walks off.