Girlfriend Invited Onstage for Soldier’s Re-enlistment Gets Totally Fooled When It Turns out to Be Proposal

Epoch Video

A video has surfaced online of the moment a soldier’s girlfriend watches her partner re-enlist for four more years in the army but her feelings of pride soon turn to shock as the ceremony comes to a close and she gets more than she bargained for.

In the video we see the soldier’s commanding officer praising the soldier as, “Better than a good soldier,” before both proud men stand before the US flag and the pledge of allegiance is read and repeated with hands held aloft.

The video doesn’t end there though, because no sooner is the pledge read than the soldier retrieves a speech from his pocket that he promptly reads to the assembled audience. The speech begins pretty standard as he thanks those in attendance and expresses his gratitude for the kind words of his commanding officer.

He then goes on to thank his partner of two years and discusses his commitment to her. But he doesn’t stop there as he invites the woman to join him before the guests and in a pre-prepared action the woman lifts aloft a sign that she believes to say four more years. It soon becomes apparent, however, that something else is about to happen as we see the true words of the sign, “We are going to Germany.” As it is taken away, the confused woman stares at the words before looking back at her partner to find him on one knee with an engagement ring held aloft in his hands. Hand clasped to her mouth in shock she listens as the man expresses his devotion to her and utters the words, “Will you marry me?”

The video ends with the newly engaged couple embracing as all those in attendance applaud loudly.

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