Could Solar Panels Replace Tar Roads?

Solar Roadways is a technology that replaces all roadways, sidewalks, pathways, parking lots and outdoor recreation services with solar panels. These solar panels are not boring, they are smart microprocessing, hexagonal solar units.
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Solar Roadways is a technology that replaces all roadways, sidewalks, pathways, parking lots and outdoor recreation services with solar panels. These solar panels are not boring, they are smart microprocessing, hexagonal solar units. These panels are intelligent, as they generate electricity, and in turn generate capital as we are not going to run out of the sun, thus helping to lower the cost of energy. These panels are pressure sensitive and can detect to a large degree, so when branches are fallen on the road or if an animal is crossing they can warn drivers to slow down their speed. Solar roadways use as much recycled material as possible. Solar Roadways Technology was invented by Julie and Scott Brusaw in 2006. Over the years they have spent countless hours on discussing about the possibilities and potential features and to make use of this technology to make the world a better place. 

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