Site Director of Youth Center Amazed by Shen Yun

“I was amazed. My expectations—they were surpassed,” Mr. Milton Brown said.
Site Director of Youth Center Amazed by Shen Yun
Milton Brown attends Shen Yun Performing Arts in Raleigh, NC. Thai Ton/The Epoch Times
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1771811" title="20130120-Raleigh7pm-ThaiTon-MiltonBrown-site-director+of+youth+center-EET-ENG.jpg" src="" alt="Milton Brown attends Shen Yun" width="590" height="442"/></a>
Milton Brown attends Shen Yun

RALEIGH, N.C—Milton Brown, site director of a youth center in Raleigh, was amazed by Shen Yun after he saw the company at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts on the evening of Jan. 20.

“I was amazed. My expectations—they were surpassed,” he said.

He enjoyed the dance Sand Monk is Blessed because he is a big fan of the Monkey King.

He said his wife likes Chinese culture and he took a casual interest in it from her influence. After the performance, Mr. Brown said he is going to look further into Chinese traditional culture.

Mr. Brown said he started to understand Chinese culture on a deeper level through the performance.

Talking about the Mongolian Bowl Dance, he said he saw the elegance, grace and balance that went into the discipline of classical Chinese dance. In it “a clear blue sky embraces the vast expanse of the northern grasslands. From their tents, Mongolian women emerge, balancing bowls on their heads in a dance of welcome,” according to the program.

“Just this alone showed me a lot of discipline goes into this. It’s preserving the heritage of Chinese culture which I really, really like,” he said.

Mr. Brown enthusiastically recommended the Shen Yun performance.

“Come! Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Anytime they are in town, go see it. You will not be disappointed,” he said.

Reporting by Thai Ton and Kelly Ni.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. Shen Yun’s International Company will visit Charlotte Jan. 26-27. For more information, visit

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