Sibylle’s Style Diary: Patrick McMullan, Celebrity Photographer of the Elite

Sibylle’s Style Diary: Patrick McMullan, Celebrity Photographer of the Elite
Patrick McMullan.

This week’s style diary guest is Patrick McMullan. The American celebrity photographer focuses on people, particularly celebrities---fashion designers and models, actors and the socialites’ scene. He lives in New York City but also covers events in the Hamptons, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. To celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, Patrick McMullan is our special guest to share with us his perspective on style in this week’s Style Diary.

Sibylle EschapasseDescribe your style?

Patrick McMullan: Age appropriate with a hint of color.

Ms. Eschapasse: If a close friend were to describe your personality in three words, what would they be? 

Mr. McMullan: Smart, funny, and caring.

Ms. Eschapasse: How has your style evolved since you were a teenager?

Mr. McMullan: Better clothes and more thinking about what to wear

Ms. EschapasseWhat is the wildest thing you have ever worn?

Mr. McMullan: A kilt!

Ms. EschapasseHow do you dress on workdays versus weekends?

Mr. McMullan: Workdays, when I am out shooting, a suit and sometimes a tie. On off time, fun T shirt and pants, or even lounge pants.

Ms. Eschapasse: What are a few accessories you can’t live without? What’s one item that makes you feel instantly more confident? 

Mr. McMullan: A good raincoat, a good belt, and nice shoes that are comfortable. A tuxedo and black tie always make me confident.

Ms. Eschapasse: Who are some of your greatest fashion influences?

Mr. McMullan: Richard Turley, Marc Jacobs, Fred Hughes, Michael Bloomberg, male models and a lot of people you wouldn’t know.

Ms. Eschapasse: Who is your style icon? 

Mr. McMullan: Cary Grant.

Ms. Eschapasse: What does having style mean to you? In other words, please define style.

Mr. McMullan: Style is feeling comfortable in how you appear to the world.

Ms. Eschapasse: What is the one purchase that you are most proud of? What would you pay a lot of money for, and what would you never pay much money for?

Mr. McMullan: An overcoat by DKNY was my favorite buy. And Marc Jacobs accessories (hats and gloves), but I’m only proud when I get a great deal on something. I often get second hand things at a thrift or resale stores. I wouldn’t pay a lot for ties or socks. I'd never buy athletic gear. When you are older you have a lot of clothes that you can use for things. I really need a good pair of snow boots. My old ones are hard to put on and take off.

Ms. Eschapasse: When you go on the red carpet, how do you want your outfit to make you feel? Which designers can help you achieve that?

Mr. McMullan: I want to feel confident and practical, have pockets. Every designer can and does do this. That is the nature of what they do.

Ms. Eschapasse: What do you think of how others dress and what’s your advice to people who would like to develop their personal style?

Mr. McMullan: I love people who push the envelope and stand out. The best way to develop style is going to second hand stores or to have friends who are designers and give you things to wear. Also ask friends who are stylish if you can get the things they don’t use anymore.

Patrick’s Favorites

Favorite color: Blue and red
Favorite perfume: Jovan Musk for Men
Favorite restaurant in NY: I don’t have one, but I love Japanese and Italian food
Favorite drink: Blueberry BAI Water
Favorite movie: “Groundhog Day” with Bill Murray and “All About Eve” with Bette Davis.
Favorite book: “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle
Favorite quote: “To Err is Human, To forgive is Divine”

Sibylle Eschapasse is originally from Paris and now lives in New York. She contributes to various publications, in addition to working for the United Nations, and is the author of the children’s book “Argy Boy, A New York Dog Tale.” She may be reached at [email protected]