Donald Trump Would Shut Borders in Case of US Attack, Calls for Surveillance of Muslims, Advocates Waterboarding

Donald Trump Would Shut Borders in Case of US Attack, Calls for Surveillance of Muslims, Advocates Waterboarding
Passengers walk inside the metro system after explosions in Brussels Tuesday, March 22, 2016. Authorities locked down the Belgian capital on Tuesday after explosions rocked the Brussels airport and subway system, killing a number of people and injuring many more. Belgium raised its terror alert to its highest level, diverting arriving planes and trains and ordering people to stay where they were. Airports across Europe tightened security. (Evan Lamos via AP)
Epoch Newsroom

We don't know where they're from, who they are. They could be ISIS. They could be ISIS related. We just don't learn.
Donald Trump

If such an attack did happen, Trump explained what he would do.

“Well I think I’ve said it. I would close up our borders until we figure out what is going on,” he said. 

“Look at Brussels, look at Paris, look at so many cities that were great cities. Paris is almost as bad. Paris is no longer the City of Lights, Paris has a lot of problems. All you have to do is speak to the people who live there where the same thing has happened and they are in fear. The city is in fear. And we have to be smart in the United States.”

Trump said the problems stem from gaps in vetting immigrants, saying that the U.S. is currently “taking in people without any real documentation.”

“We don’t know where they’re from, who they are. They could be ISIS. They could be ISIS related. We just don’t learn.”

Trump earlier this year called Brussels a “hellhole,” noting that it seemed to be swarming with militants.

He elaborated on his thoughts while appearing on Today.

“Well first of all this is a subject that is very dear and near to my heart because I have certainly been talking about it much more than anybody else, it’s why I’m probably number one in the polls because I say we have to have strong borders,” said Trump.

“We have to be very vigilant and careful who we let into our country. I know Brussels well and Brussels is a total mess, and I’m not talking about the attack today. I’m talking about, generally speaking, it is a city that used to be one of the finest, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and now its a catastrophic and very dangerous city where the police have very little control.”