Shocking Video Shows Woman With Hijab Tearing up Israeli Flag at Memorial to Those Killed in Brussels Terror Attacks

Epoch Newsroom

A woman wearing a hijab was recorded tearing up an Israeli flag at the memorial to those killed in the terror attacks in Brussels.

The woman approached the flag as RTL television filmed mourners at the memorial, and shocked bystanders and viewers when she took the Israeli flag and tore it up.

She then hides the pieces and appears to replace the flag with a Palestinian one. 

Some bystanders watched as the incident happened but no one took action.

The flag was among other countries’ flags at the memorial, which was set up after ISIS terrorists killed 34 people and wounded hundreds of others in bombings this week.

The protester “didn’t really care about the terror victims or the catastrophe that occurred in her city only 24 hours before,” Ido Daniel, who heads the Israel Students Union’s program to combat anti-Semitism, told YNet. “What bothered her most in this terror attack was the fact the Israeli flag was there as part of a show of solidarity with the Belgian people. This is the essence of the anti-Israel obsession.”

Some bystanders watched as the incident happened but no one took action.

Several people can be heard saying “no, no, no.”

The memorial is located at the central Brussels landmark Place de la Bourse.

Another clip recorded by the French-language broadcaster showed a man walking into the middle of the candle-lit memorial and putting a Palestinian flag over the Israeli flag, reported the Daily Mail.

It appears that happened prior to the woman in the hijab ripping the flag to pieces.