Shen Yun’s Backdrop the Supreme Form of Art Technique

“The sound effect was terrific and the color matching was awesome.”
Shen Yun’s Backdrop the Supreme Form of Art Technique

CHANGWON, South Korea—Hwang Won-Choel, Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts at Changwon University, adored the application of the high-tech backdrop animation after he saw the performance of Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company on April 9 at Changwon, South Korea. “Using this unique skill on stage is a supreme form of art technique,” he said.

Mr. Hwang had been watching Shen Yun in the past. He said, “The art of digital media makes non-reality into actual image. It brings the angels to the secular world, which increases the sense of reality. This is the first time such a performance has been presented in our country. It effectively uses the available space on stage.”

Mr. Hwang particularly enjoyed Sand Monk Is Blessed. “The backdrop allows it to look like a real fish jumping out of water. The technique is outstanding and the images are as real as they can be.

“The animations present a strong attraction to the audience. Though the images are not real, they look like real angels and eventually turn into the real characters on stage. This technology makes the stage another dimension. The sound effect was terrific and the color matching was awesome.”

Mr. Hwang commented on the stories in Divine Mercy in which the battle between good and evil is played out and Heaven protects the righteous, and goodness ultimately triumphs, and An Unexpected Encounter in which a father and daughter experience their destiny with Falun Dafa blossom after a misunderstanding and being thrown into jail.

“The story of the persecution of Falun Gong sublimates from a tragedy to a spiritual movement,” Mr. Hwang said.

Read the original Chinese article.

Reporting by Teh-Man Tai and Hsin-Yi Lin

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit