Shen Yun Overwhelms Dancer with ‘Great Unison’

Marveling at Shen Yun’s performance, Ms. Yu said, “I felt overwhelmed.”
Shen Yun Overwhelms Dancer with ‘Great Unison’
Miaoli Old Mountain Line Cultural Industry Association director Gu Shenghui and his wife, Yu Hueijie, enjoy Shen Yun Performing Arts in Taichung. Lee Yun/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
<a><img class="size-full wp-image-1769263" title="130309011142100087" src="" alt="Gu Shenghui and his wife Yu Hueijie enjoy Shen Yun" width="584" height="437"/></a>
Gu Shenghui and his wife Yu Hueijie enjoy Shen Yun

TAICHUNG, Taiwan—Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company graced the stage at Chung Shan Hall on the evening of March 8, enchanting the full house with a revival of the most ancient culture in existence.

Shen Yun tours the world with the mission of reviving the 5,000 year-old Chinese culture through music, dance, and technology. Dancers schooled in classical Chinese dance—one of the hardest dance forms to master in the world—are adorned with handmade regalia and set off to digital backdrops and an orchestra that overlays a classical Western orchestra with traditional Chinese instruments.

Gu Shenghui, director of the Miaoli Old Mountain Line Cultural Industry Association, and his wife Yu Hueijie saw Shen Yun enjoyed the show very much.

Ms. Yu graduated from the Department of Dance at the National Taiwan Academy of Arts, and currently dedicates herself to the research of Hakka dance culture. Marveling at Shen Yun’s performance, Ms. Yu said, “I felt overwhelmed.”

“The choreographer of the show was particular about every detail, including actors’ postures, movements and directions, etc.,” she said. “The synchronization of music and dynamic backdrops was also appealing. Such a great unison is indeed hard to come by. As an old saying goes, ‘One minute on stage takes ten years of practice.’”

Mr. Gu specializes in cultural industry planning.

“Art is the root of culture,” he said. “Through excellent dance performances, Shen Yun not only demonstrates the Chinese culture, but it also helps upgrade human morality. This is indeed what the modern society really needs. This kind of cultural heritage is essential.”

“This Shen Yun show is arranged very orderly,” he added. “We can clearly tell the beginning, the development, the turn, and the end of each program, regardless of whether it is a dance or drama. Therefore, it can demonstrate the cultural essence or spirit of the stories familiar to us, in a few minutes.”

Shen Yun’s program is a series of mini drama dance pieces of less than 10 minutes, which mostly present a story or legend from the vast cultural lexicon, or a minority ethnic group such as the Mongolians and the Bai.

Read original Chinese article.

Reporting by Lee Yun and Bill Xu.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit

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