Shen Yun Leaves an Impression of Lightness

Designer and director for Reitmans Joanne Ducharme enjoyed the display of colour and costume at Shen Yun.
Shen Yun Leaves an Impression of Lightness
College philosophy professor Nicolas Ponich and Reitmans designer/director Johanne Ducharme attended Shen Yun’s sold-out show at Place des Arts in Montreal Jan. 4, 2013. Mathieu Côté-Desjardins/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
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MONTREAL—Joanne Ducharme, director and designer at Reitmans, enjoyed the display of colour and costumes at Shen Yun Performing Arts’ second sold-out show at Montreal’s Place des Arts on Friday.

Accompanying her to see the celebrated classical Chinese dance and music production was college philosophy professor Nicolas Ponich. 

While they both enjoyed the show, Ms. Ducharme was especially charmed by the colours and the costumes. “I found that every piece was very interesting,” she said. 

Shen Yun’s costumes routinely fascinate audience members. Alongside the stories and the backdrops, the costumes change for every performance. The costumes, the accessories, the hair pieces, and even the shoes are all originally designed and handmade. 

As for Mr. Ponich, he was particularly touched by the philosophical depth of the show. “I appreciate profound things. It makes me feel peaceful,” he said. 

“There is a meaning to the movements and the dance: it’s like a wing,” he said, evoking the impression of lightness that the show gave him. 

The “yun”, which is the most important aspect of classical Chinese dance, is what gives this feeling of lightness. A term that is difficult to translate, it refers to the profound meaning that the dancer expresses through the movements. 

The Shen Yun artists believe that to create beauty, they must first cultivate beauty and purity in their heart. Thus, in addition to their daily dance or musical training, the artists work hard to improve their character according to ancient Chinese values, says Shen Yun’s website. 

Reporting by Mathieu Côté-Desjardins and Nathalie Dieul.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. Shen Yun’s New York Company will play five shows in Montreal Jan. 3-6 and one show in Quebec City Jan. 8 before going on to Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton, and Toronto in its tour of eastern Canada. For more information, visit

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