Shen Yun is ‘Awe Inspiring’ Says Former Dance Professor

“This felt like the expression of self and what you’re feelings were about life and joy and all of the different feelings that can come out and be portrayed through dance, and it was beautiful,” Mrs. Shirline Burnell said.
Shen Yun is ‘Awe Inspiring’ Says Former Dance Professor
(L to R)Richard Oscarson, Linda Oscarson, Shirlene Bunnell and Dale Bunnell enjoy an evening at Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Peabody Opera Theater, on April 19. Xiao Ding/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
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ST. LOUIS—Shen Yun Performing Arts put on an exquisite performance Saturday night, April 20, at the Peabody Opera House, according to Shirline Burnell, who taught dance at Brigham Young University.

Mrs. Burnell and her husband Dale, joined a captive audience along with their friends Richard and Linda Oscarson. Mr. Oscarson is the President of Enterprise Mentors International.

“This felt like the expression of self and what you’re feelings were about life and joy and all of the different feelings that can come out and be portrayed through dance, and it was beautiful,” Mrs. Burnell said.

Mrs. Oscarson added, “We were all thrilled.It was beyond anything we even anticipated. We knew it would be wonderful, but we had never seen it before.”

For Mr. Burnell, the music was what touched him the most. He said, “I thought the music, also, was excellent because we’re not so familiar with pure Chinese music that we don’t understand it quite as much, but the arrangement that they made was very uplifting and enjoyable to listen to.”

Mrs. Burnell went on to describe some of things that really stood out to her, “The technological part of the choreography—how you move from the screen to the stage was absolutely phenomenal. How do they do it?

“I don’t care how—you feel like you’re being carried away. It was wonderful,” she continued. “It was just awe inspiring!”

Mrs. Oscarson agreed, “It was inspiring and uplifting, and we loved the modesty of the costumes. It was pure joy and pure art—real art for what art should be.”

“We loved it all, we loved the beginning. The price of admission we felt was well worth just the beginning number,” Mrs. Oscarson exclaimed.

Richard stated finally, “You can count on us being back next year.”

With reporting by Xiao Ding and Andrew Darin

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, tours the world on a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.