International Scholars React to Shen Yun’s Cancellation in Hong Kong

A public outcry has erupted over the cancellation of Shen Yun Performing Arts’ scheduled performances in Hong Kong.
International Scholars React to Shen Yun’s Cancellation in Hong Kong
, Chen Yongmiao [top right], Chin Heng-wei [bottom left], Jin Zhong [bottom right]"] <a><img src="" alt="Bao Tong [top left], Chen Yongmiao [top right], Chin Heng-wei [bottom left], Jin Zhong [bottom right]" title="Bao Tong [top left], Chen Yongmiao [top right], Chin Heng-wei [bottom left], Jin Zhong [bottom right]" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1823602"/></a>
, Chen Yongmiao [top right], Chin Heng-wei [bottom left], Jin Zhong [bottom right]"] Bao Tong [top left], Chen Yongmiao [top right], Chin Heng-wei [bottom left], Jin Zhong [bottom right]

A public outcry has erupted over the cancellation of Shen Yun Performing Arts’ scheduled performances in Hong Kong. Scholars from Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan have strongly criticized the Hong Kong government’s action, and the scandal is quickly escalating, attracting international attention.

World-renowned Shen Yun Performing Arts was scheduled to perform seven shows in Hong Kong between January 27 and January 31. The tickets, which became available December 2, 2009, were sold out within five days. However, on January 21, just days before the opening, the Hong Kong Immigration Department refused to grant visas to six key production and technical personnel, forcing cancellation of the performances.

Many have suggested that the Hong Kong government responded to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Bao Tong: Hong Kong Has Become More Like China

Bao Tong of Beijing, the one-time policy secretary and speech writer for ousted CCP Chief Zhao Ziyang, said this was clearly “a political action under the control of the CCP.” It indicates that “Hong Kong has become more and more like China and has fallen more and more under the control of the CCP,” he said, adding that he questioned whether Hong Kong is really under a “one country, two systems” rule, or if it has now become “one country, one system.”

The fact that Shen Yun has never had a visa problem anywhere else in the world indicates that ”the CCP is afraid of everything that is good, everything that is welcomed by people, and everything that impacts people by touching their hearts.” said Bao.

He believes that the CCP is afraid because Shen Yun not only inspires people by displaying the good and pure essence of spirituality, it has also earned rave reviews all over the world.

Chen Yongmiao: Hong Kong Chief Executive Simply a Party Secretary

Chen Yongmiao, a renowned expert on constitutional law, commented the incident again shows that “Hong Kong’s Chief Executive is simply a city-level Party Secretary under CCP rule and that the Hong Kong government no longer belongs to the people.”

Chen criticizes the CCP for using art as a political tool, noting that the CCP promotes politically motivated arts, “Obstructing the Shen Yun performance in Hong Kong will severely damage Hong Kong’s image internationally, including its liberal values and its financial and economic interests.”

“Hong Kong has always been known for prosperity and freedom, but after reunification with mainland China, this environment has been gradually deteriorating. Concurrently, the economic status of Hong Kong has likewise deteriorated.” he said.

Chen warned that rejecting Shen Yun will not only have a negative impact on the Hong Kong government, but will also lead to loss of confidence in Hong Kong’s rule of law. Large foreign companies will no longer trust that Hong Kong is a good place to conduct business.

Business relies on trust, and if the Hong Kong government is not trustworthy, commercial activity in Hong Kong will definitely be hindered. Corporations will question whether the free-trading system is really free, whether there is still protection of the law, or whether the government will compromise commercial values for political expediency. “Without a trusting and stable framework, commercial activities will definitely be affected,” Chen said.

Jin Zhong: Shen Yun Deals a Serious Blow to the CCP’s Deceptive Propaganda

Jin Zhong, chief editor of Hong Kong’s Open Magazine, said that Shen Yun has brought Chinese traditional culture to the world stage and gained respect, praise, and admiration from all over the world—all of which has delivered a serious blow to the deceptive propaganda and communist party culture that the CCP tries to export abroad. This is why the CCP is so afraid and unscrupulously tries to obstruct something good.

Jin attended a Shen Yun performance in the U.S. He praised Shen Yun as a very traditional, noble, and pure performance that “disseminates the moral philosophy of Chinese traditional culture.” It advocates the spirit of pure compassion and pure beauty, and it purifies the body and the mind and enhances interaction between the East and West. “Shen Yun is welcomed all over the world. The Hong Kong government’s rejection [of Shen Yun] is simply an exposure of its own ugliness.” said Jin.

Chin Heng-wei: People Should Stand Up and Protest

Chin Heng-wei, editor-in-chief of Taiwan’s Contemporary Monthly magazine and national policy advisor to the former president of Taiwan, also said the CCP’s attempt to sabotage Shen Yun marks the end of the so-called “one country; two systems.”

It is the shame of the Hong Kong government, he said, “that human rights, the rule of law, and other basic civil rights that the people of Hong Kong have enjoyed in the past, are now being taken away.”

He said, “Shen Yun Performing Arts promotes Chinese culture all over the world, communicating kind and beautiful artistic concepts. It is loved by audiences of various ethnic groups and enables the Chinese people to take pride in their culture.

“To have Shen Yun perform in Hong Kong is definitely a blessing for the citizens of Hong Kong. To obstruct the performance of Shen Yun in Hong Kong is a shame, and the Hong Kong government must bear the consequences.”

Chin said, “It is clear that the CCP fears the upright power of Falun Gong … Now, all the people of Hong Kong have been victimized.”

Chin called on the international community to condemn the CCP and the Hong Kong government’s actions.

All the cities that have hosted Shen Yun, the people of Hong Kong, especially those who already bought tickets, should stand up and protest. We should fight for freedom, peace, stability, and prosperity for Hong Kong, Chin urged.

The power of Hong Kong’s public consciousness is huge, Chin said. Just like the opposition to Article 23 in the past, seemingly impossible circumstances can be reversed.

Read the original Chinese article.