LONDON—Shen Yun Performing Arts brought its stunning and exhilarating display of classical Chinese dance to a delighted packed house at London’s Barbican Centre on Tuesday, March 5, starting its run of six performances in the U.K. capital.
Sonia Brown, MBE, said the performance was an amazing experience that everyone should go and see. “It will change your life!” she said.
New York-based Shen Yun aims to revive the almost lost heritage of China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired civilization.
“It was everything it said it was going to be—5,000 years of civilization. It was a fantastic journey,” Ms Brown said.
She said she loved the harmony of the colours, the choreography, and the costumes. “It was just absolutely stunning.”
The Chinese people and the performers should be proud of the production and the culture it portrayed, she said. “It was just a fantastic representation of Chinese history.”
Ms Brown is the creator of the national black women’s group Sistatalk, and an event management specialist. She was awarded an MBE in 2010 for services to Black and Minority Ethnic women.
“Sometimes we are just given a false impression, a snippet of other cultures,” she said. “But tonight we got to see it in its entirety, and it was so beautiful in its elegance and simplicity. Everything was just stunning.”
Ms Brown said she was looking forward to seeing the show next year.
Graham Davies is the owner of a networking company that links luxury brands, products, and services across London. Having linked up with the Shen Yun promoters, he had been anticipating Shen Yun’s arrival for two months – and when he finally got the chance to see the performance he wasn’t disappointed.
“The story telling is amazing, really impressive,” he said. He said that the combination of all the different elements, such as the costumes and the choreography and the music was fantastic.
“Put it all together, and it’s a really stunning show,” he said.
He had brought his teenage daughter Charley along, who is studying costume design and dance—both of which are used to fantastic effect in the Shen Yun performances.
Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company started the European leg of its global tour in Vienna at the weekend and will stay in London for a further five performances, much to the delight of the local presenters.
“It’s wonderful that Shen Yun is in the U.K. again. Each year its presence becomes greater. We are delighted to have already sold out all the Friday and Saturday performances,” said professor Li Shao, spokesperson for the presenters in the U.K.
The Barbican Centre, situated close to the financial centre of London, is the biggest multi-arts complex in Europe, according to their website.
Shen Yun uses traditional forms of dance, music, and song, with state of the art digital backdrop projections. This combination of the best of the East and West has uplifted audiences in hundreds of cities around the world.
Reporting by John Smithies and NTD Television.
New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will be performing in Barbican Theatre through March 9. For more information, visit
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