Shen Yun Dancers’ ‘Unison was unbelievable,’ Says CEO

Mr. Ray Zuckerman recommends everyone see Shen Yun. “Come see it, you will be pleased. It’s worth the time and worth the investment.”
Shen Yun Dancers’ ‘Unison was unbelievable,’ Says CEO
Ray Zuckerman enjoys Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Ikeda Theater on March 2. (Courtesy of NTD Television)

“The performers were full of energy. They were interested in what they were doing, they were enjoying what they were doing, and proud of what they were doing.”

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Ray Zuckerman enjoys Shen Yun

MESA, Ariz.—“The performance was fantastic,” said Ray Zuckerman, president and CEO of ServerLIFT Corporation. Shen Yun Performing Arts wowed theatergoers at the Ikeda Theater on March 2, receiving a standing ovation.

“The choreography was wonderful. The synchronization of how the performers stay within context and unison was unbelievable. The costumes were phenomenal, the colors and brightness,” said Mr. Zuckerman.

“And the media behind it was particularly special, a modern touch to a traditional performance,” he said, referring to Shen Yun’s animated digital backdrops, which create “vividly animated settings, extending the stage and transporting the audience to a world where heaven and earth are one,” according to the Shen Yun website.

Mr. Zuckerman’s company, ServerLIFT, provides specialized server and IT equipment-lifting services to increase safety and productivity in data centers. The Arizona District Export Council awarded ServerLIFT with the 2012 Excellence in Global Business Award.

Shen Yun is on a worldwide tour reaching 100 cities this season, performing to sold-out venues everywhere.

Ancient Chinese wisdom states that in order to convey true art, one must have inner beauty, and Mr. Zuckerman shares his thoughts on the dancers:

“The performers were full of energy. They were interested in what they were doing, they were enjoying what they were doing, and proud of what they were doing. We were fortunate enough to have very close seats and could see the expressions on their faces. The pleasure and sincerity and effort they were putting in was unbelievable.”

“The performers were the best part of the show, just watching them enjoy what they were doing,” he said.

Shen Yun’s mission is to restore China’s 5,000 years of rich culture lost during the Cultural Revolution due to atheist communist rule through the universal language of the performing arts.

“The culture is phenomenal. I’ve had the good fortune to have spent a little bit of time in China. This was a different view from what I had seen because I had been to factories and tourist places. This was a different view that covered a much broader area of China. China is so big that to get a view from different sections and traditions of China was very nice,” said Mr. Zuckerman.

As someone who is familiar with Chinese culture Mr. Zuckerman expounded further, “Seeing the Chinese culture and spirituality from this point of view is very different from what you see in China, because you don’t see that. At least for a tourist or businessman visiting in China it’s very dry. We don’t see the emotions; we see a lack of emotion. Here there was emotion in the music, the performers, the singing; the translations were filled with allegory and symbolism that was just fantastic.”

Mr. Zuckerman recommends everyone see Shen Yun. “Come see it, you will be pleased. It’s worth the time and worth the investment.”

Reporting by NTD Television and Maria Banks.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company is performing at the Ikeda Theater in the Mesa Arts Center, Mesa, Arizona, March 3, at Popejoy Hall in Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 5–6, and the Orpheum Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona, March 10. For more information, visit

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