Shen Yun a Pride of Chinese People

Chinese audience members enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts’ performance at the Merriam Theater Saturday evening, Jan. 7.
Shen Yun a Pride of Chinese People
Ms. Na (L) was surprised to see lost Chinese culture being revived outside of China. Pamela Tsai/The Epoch Times
Epoch Times Staff
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PHILADELPHIA—Chinese audience members enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts’ performance at the Merriam Theater Saturday evening, Jan. 7. The show closed with three curtain calls and a standing ovation.

“Shen Yun has presented the classical essence of us Chinese,” said Ms. Na from Sichuan, China, who came to the United States two months ago. “This cannot be seen in China. Nowadays, this is lost in China. I didn’t expect to see such authentic Chinese traditions and culture outside of China.”

During its 60 years of rule, the Chinese Communist Party has destroyed a lot of Chinese culture.

“I couldn’t even dream of this; we haven’t lost our wonderful [culture]; we can see it overseas,” Ms. Na added.

Ms. Na said that she felt like she was back in her hometown. Seeing so many Western people attend the show, clap repeatedly, and give a standing ovation made her proud.

“Not only did Shen Yun preserve our classical culture, but also it is transferring it to foreigners. This is not easy,” she said.

Ms. Hong Wang, professor and Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine at Temple University, saw the performance with her husband, parents, and son.

“I like the music and dance very well,” Ms. Wang said. “The artistic level is very high.”

Another Chinese lady, who came to the United States on vacation, was touched to tears during the show.

“The professional level of the performance is very high,” she said. “I feel that the [dancers] are all the same person ... how did they find such talented people?”

She thinks that Shen Yun, being able to present Chinese culture so well, should be the pride of China.

“It’s a pity my daughter cannot come [to see Shen Yun].”

Reporting by Pamela Tsai, Amelia Pang, and Stephanie Lam.

New York-based Shen Yun has three companies touring the world. Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company will perform at The Merriam Theater, in Philadelphia through Jan. 8.

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