Senate Poised to Hand Obama Big Victory on Negotiating Trade

The Senate is preparing to hand President Barack Obama a major victory with final passage of “fast track” authority to negotiate trade
Senate Poised to Hand Obama Big Victory on Negotiating Trade
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaks with reporters before attending a policy luncheon at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, June 23, 2015. The Senate pushed bipartisan trade legislation to the brink of final approval Tuesday in a combined effort by President Barack Obama and Republican congressional leaders to rescue a measure that appeared all but dead less than two weeks ago. (AP/Cliff Owen)
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON—The Senate is preparing to hand President Barack Obama a major victory with final passage of “fast track” authority to negotiate trade deals.

Doing so would cap a remarkable turnabout for an initiative that House Democrats nearly killed earlier this month.

Unions and most congressional Democrats say free-trade deals cost U.S. jobs and reward countries that pollute and mistreat workers. But Obama and most Republican leaders say U.S. products must reach broader markets.

The Senate also plans to vote on three other trade-related bills. The most important would extend a job retraining program for workers displaced by international trade. That program would require House approval, too.

Senate approval of fast track on Wednesday would boost Obama’s hopes for a 12-nation Pacific-rim trade agreement. It’s key to his effort to expand U.S. influence in Asia. Negotiating parties include Japan, Malaysia, Mexico and Canada.

If granted fast-track authority, Obama would ask Congress to ratify the Pacific deal after the public has weeks or months to study it.

Some anti-trade groups say they will strongly oppose the Pacific pact. Others seem more resigned to the likelihood of new U.S. trade agreements in Obama’s final months in office.