Secretive Bilderberg Group Meets in Virginia

Jim Tucker, who has been investigating the Bilderberg Group for decades, remembers a time when the existence of the group itself was denied.
Secretive Bilderberg Group Meets in Virginia
AFP and affiliates (front row, left to right: Mark Anderson, Jim Tucker, Jeffery Smith; second row, left to right: Bregan Fuller, Josh Harvey, Kyme Rathke) pose for a photo at the Crown Plaza hotel in Herndon, Va., June 3. Du Won Kang/The Epoch Times
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Jim Tucker, who has been investigating the Bilderberg Group as a journalist for the past 37 years, remembers a time when the existence of the group itself was denied. “When I was first covering the Bilderberg, I was a lonely boy by the gate,” the writer said.

He added that, “It’s just wonderful now,” referring to the hundreds of people who recently gathered in public protest at this year’s meeting in Chantilly, Va., and the increased level of media coverage concerning the Bilderberg Group. He said that the Bilderberg Group is now “losing ground.”

It was cool and sunny about an hour before sunset on Sunday, June 3, when The Epoch Times sat down with Tucker and members of the American Free Press (AFP) and affiliates, at a restaurant outside the Crown Plaza hotel in Herndon, Va. 

When asked about the nature of the Bilderberg Group, he said, “They are a group of international criminals who start wars so that they can make money. When they’re making planes, jeeps, and other war toys, they’re making huge profits. 

“That’s why they generate wars every few years. ... They are the reasons why so many young Americans are in their graves today when they should be on the dance floor,” he concluded.

The Bilderberg website, on the other hand, presents a different view.

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“The Conference will deal mainly with political, economic, and societal issues like Transatlantic Relations, Evolution of the Political Landscape in Europe and the US, Austerity and Growth in Developed Economies, Cyber Security, Energy Challenges, the Future of Democracy, Russia, China, and the Middle East,” a press release on the 2012 meeting stated.

As to its secretive nature, “The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and open discussion,” the release said. “In short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal, and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced. Bilderberg’s only activity is its annual Conference. At the meeting, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.”

Besides the information provided on their website, apparently there’s no contact information and no representative to speak to the public on behalf the group.

This year, the annual Bilderberg meeting was held in Chantilly at the Westfields Marriott hotel, from May 31 to June 3. Chantilly is just 24 miles west of Washington, D.C.


Over the weekend, hundreds of people gathered outside the Westfields Marriott to protest the meeting. The turnout was larger than before; not nearly as many protesters gathered at the 2008 Chantilly meeting.

One protester held up a sign that said, “Respect People, Not Money.” Another protester held up a sign that said, “End the Fed, End the Wars, Obey the Logan Act.”

An employee of the Westfields Marriott told The Epoch Times that in the hotel, a member of the Bilderberg Group said, “Those cockroaches are still here,” referring to the protesters.

The employee also overheard a security person with the Bilderberg Group complaining to the local police for not being brave enough, and not responding to protesters.

On June 2, John Oetken, co-director of Oath Keepers (, said that, “We’re not even really demonstrating. We are a neutral party to make sure the protest goes peacefully.”

Oetken added that, “The Bilderbergers need to know that they think that they’re turning America into a police state and that these police and the military are going to follow illegal, unlawful orders against the Constitution of the United Sates against the people. It’s not going to happen. There will be too many within the ranks that will resist.”

Jim Tucker said that the Bilderbergers “plan to manipulate the troubled economy in Europe so they could ill-affect the United States and specific countries adversely; so they can advance their cause for a world treasury department, [and a] world department of health.”

The Bilderberg Group won’t succeed because they’ve been failing for more than a dozen years, he said. “They’ve been losing ground. The patriots have been winning. They know it; they’re outraged by it. And we’re going to prevail, and the United States of America will survive,” Tucker said.

Conspiracy Theory?

When asked about people who would dismiss his work as a conspiracy theory, Jim Tucker said sternly, “I don’t believe it’s a conspiracy theory at all. I recognize it as a conspiracy fact! Certainly, it’s a conspiracy.”

Mark Anderson, a journalist working with Tucker for the past few years, said, “If two kids make a plot to steal a candy bar, that’s a conspiracy. Not all conspiracies are theories, and not all theories are conspiracies.

“To control a business like oil and natural gas is one thing, but to control the very creation of the currency unit and credit is to hold the very lifeblood of society in your hands,” he added, when asked about relevance to the lives of everyday people. “And so, central bankers are there—they bring together people in such critically important areas for the functioning of society. And so how can we not be affected?”

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Jeffrey Smith with AFP joined in, saying, “There is so much hard evidence over the years that shows their function and shows their level of power and shows their effective influence around the world, which is entirely outside of the oversight of the average citizen. It’s the body of evidence that now exists that is by the way indisputable—and it’s not disputed.”

Anderson continued. “I would add that we make calls every time they meet. We say ‘Where’s the press conference?’ Silence. ‘Where’s the press release?’ Silence. ‘Where’s the list so we can corroborate with what’s online?’ Silence, silence. We don’t even have a spokesman. They have a chance to tell their side of the story.”

Anderson referred to part of a speech at a Bilderberg meeting in Germany in 1991 by David Rockefeller, as quoted on “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.” 

The quote continues, “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated now and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

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The accuracy of the quote has not been verified, due to the secretive nature of what’s said at the meetings.

This year’s meeting was the Bilderbergers’ 60th annual meeting, with a previous group meeting held in Chantilly in 2008—also an election year for the president of the United States.

The first meeting was held in Holland in May 1954 in a hotel called Bilderberg. Since then the meetings have taken place annually in various parts of Europe, the United States, and Canada.