Sea Worm That Resembles Tennis Ball Spotted (Video)

The exploration vessel called Nautilus is seemingly leading the way in ocean observation, as it has, in recent times, captured some stunning visuals of sea creatures. In one of the latest discoveries, the Nautilus team recorded a yellow organism under the water’s surface.
Epoch Video

The exploration vessel called Nautilus has captured some stunning visuals of sea creatures in the recent past.

Among the latest ones, the Nautilus team recorded a yellow organism under the water’s surface. From a distance, the clump of yellow was hard to detect drifting along the light-colored ocean floor.

However as the crew zoomed in, viewers could easily see the distinct round blob that is actually a sea worm.

A quick glance would leave many wondering how such an oddly shaped creature could possibly be a worm, as this one bears a striking resemblance to a tennis ball.

The sea worm seemed to be quite content probing around the sea floor, that is until the vessel did a little poking at it. At that point, the sea worm quickly jolted upwards and gracefully maneuvered through the water to move to another spot in the sand where it could be undisturbed.

This particular creature is a Terebellid polychaete worm. It uses its tentacles, which look like the yellow ball, to gather food particles from the sea floor.

The vessel uses the latest technology-based systems to help researchers explore some of the ocean’s greatest mysteries.