In the village of Waai on Ambon island, Indonesia, a freshwater spring is home to a population of large eels. These “Morea,” as locals call them, are considered lucky if seen, and visitors can ask the local custodian to tempt the creatures out.
The spring forms a natural pool feeding into a concrete-walled channel, and is used as a communal bathing and laundry area.
Legend holds that the spring arose when an angry mother hurled a bamboo spear into the ground where water bubbled up. As the water began to flow, eels moved up from the sea and into the spring, settling in the rocky walls.
The land owner has fed these unique animals raw eggs for years, and they emerge from their holes when he snaps his fingers on the surface. Photographers can snorkel with the eels for a small fee which goes to the village and the landowner.
The “Eel Man” tempts out a Morea with an egg by making a hole to release a thread of raw albumen.
Feeding animals for a brief encounter and a photograph should not be encouraged, but the Eel Man has been caring for these animals for a long time.
And the opportunity to witness the eels provides income for the Waai community, as well as being lucky for those who glimpse them, and perhaps the village as a whole.
Matthew Oldfield is a freelance photographer based in Bali, Indonesia, specializing in editorial and documentary images from both above and below the waves. He works primarily with charities, NGO’s, and other organizations working to conserve the environment, endangered species, and disappearing cultures.