Satirical Poems on Modern Chinese Society

Some satirical poems on social status and morals under the communist regime.
Satirical Poems on Modern Chinese Society

Satirical Poems on Modern Chinese Society: Anonymous

Translated by Gary Pansey

Ridiculing Social Status

In Their Proper Places

First come officials
And then of course their boss,
Next come the famous
With so much dough to toss;

Bodyguards hold down the fort,
Execs and doctors fare well,
Phony beggars in every port,
Lap dancers crowd the stairwell;

But last and least are you and me,
Who suffer so incessantly.

Who Really Has What

The elderly scholars all trust in God,
Hardworkers at times may just get the nod,
Officials have power to use and abuse
While peasants work land yet still can’t choose,
But the big bucks belong to just who?
The scammers and loafers, not you!

How Hard the Road

The political path is a pleasant green lawn,
The businessman’s path is rosy like dawn,
But the teacher must hoe throughout the long day,
And in gloom make headway with society’s fray.

Paraphrasing Marx

The wages of workers are paid when they work;
The cadres live high just when they smirk.

Ridiculing Social Morals

Their True Faces

The honest appear
And true words may seem near,
But officials will sing
When cash pulls the strings!

How Bureaucrats Oppose Corruption

The tiger talks so tough,
The fox begins to sneer,
The rat drills into the rough,
And rabbit lost his career.


True Literacy

Successful authors schmooze in politics and are in the know,
Next come those whose business sense is hardly slow;
Pornographers count up all the gangsters’ cash,
And well-greased reporters hoard their stash;
There’s even room to summarize
How many succeed after they plagiarize.

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