Sarah Palin to Be a Reality TV Court Judge

Sarah Palin to Be a Reality TV Court Judge
Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (Photo credit BECK/AFP/Getty Images)

Look out Judge Judy, we have a new judge coming to a courtroom near you.

The former Alaska governor, Sarah Palin, signed a deal in February with Montana production company Warm Springs to become a reality TV judge, according to People.

If the show is picked up by stations, it could premiere in the fall of 2o17.

The 52-year-old American politician isn't new to reality television. In 2010, Palin starred in "Sarah Palin's Alaska" on TLC.

“It’s about different personalities and different styles,” Howard Bragman of Fifteen Minutes PR, representative for Warm Springs told CNN. “Same way late night talk shows are different as dictated by the hosts. Similar format—different show.”

However, the 52-year-old American politician isn’t new to reality television. In 2010, Palin starred in “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on TLC.

Palin, who does not have a law degree, would be working with TV executive Larry Lyttle; Lyttle discovered TV judges Judge Judy and Judge Joe Brown.

Palin made huge headlines when she endorsed Donald Trump in January. Last week, while speaking at a Donald Trump event in Tampa, Florida, she referred to Trump’s rally protestors as “punk-ass, little thuggery.”

According to People, Palin is currently in Alaska with her husband, Todd, who’s transitioning from intensive care following a serious snow machine accident March 13.