San Francisco Q&A: ‘What do you think of a soda tax to fund anti-obesity programs for children?’
The Epoch Times asked Bay Area locals what they think of a proposed state tax on sweetened beverages to raise funds for childhood obesity prevention programs.

Brian Stokle, 42, urban planner, Mission: “It’s a fantastic idea. Our health is much more important than we sometimes give it weight, whether it’s on a national level or on an individual level. ... It sounds like it’s a reasonable tax, in that it’s not overly burdensome. So I understand that, from political standpoint. But promoting anti-obesity at a young age is really good. It’s a lot worse than even when I was a kid. It just raises awareness. If it means that I drink five sodas a week, I might only drink three, because I think, ‘Oh yes, that’s right, there’s that tax on it.’ You get the forces of free will versus what’s better for the common good. I think this is better for the common good.” Christian Watjen/The Epoch Times