Romney Turns Right, Picks Ryan for VP

Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has picked conservative favorite, Rep. Paul Ryan, for his vice president.
Romney Turns Right, Picks Ryan for VP
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney (R) and U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan wave in front of the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk Virginia after Romney announced Ryan as his vice presidential running mate on Aug. 11 2012. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
<a><img class="wp-image-1783471" title="Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Announces His Vice Presidential Pick" src="" alt="" width="328"/></a>

Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has picked conservative favorite Rep. Paul Ryan for his vice president.

Formerly considered an unlikely choice as Romney’s running mate, Ryan, 42, has served seven terms as a representative for Wisconsin and is chairman of the House Budget Committee. His 2013 budget proposal, known as the Ryan budget, focuses on reducing the size of federal government, cutting taxes and reforming entitlements, making him a favorite of the tea party and the target of liberals.

Romney made the announcement Saturday morning to a large crowd gathered beside decommissioned battleship USS Wisconsin at the U.S. naval base in Norfolk, Virginia.

“Paul is a man of tremendous character,” Romney said, describing Ryan as “a person of great steadiness, ... and true to his word.”

Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, has supported the Ryan budget. “We will work to preserve and protect Medicare and Social Security and keep it for future generations,” he said, while promising to “repeal Obamacare.”

In his acceptance speech, Ryan told the Virginia crowd that Romney was “the right man to lead America back to prosperity and greatness.”

Ryan said his experience in Congress would be helpful to Romney. “America is on the wrong track; but Mitt Romney and I will take the right steps, in the right time, to get us back on the right track!” he said, promising not to “duck the issues” or “blame others.”

He received the loudest applause when he said: “Our rights come from nature and God, not from government.”

Ryan a good choice, say think tank analysts

Romney chose Ryan after weeks of speculation, over more moderate favorites, Ohio Senator Rob Portman and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.

Though Ryan is more controversial than the others, analysts suggest Romney may have made the right choice. 

“Ryan adds to the campaign exactly what it is lacking: enthusiasm,” said John Hudak, political analyst with the Brooking Institution.

Hudak said Ryan is an exciting speaker, who connects with audiences and can attract media attention while Romney focuses on other things: “Regardless of what a voter thinks about his policy positions, most people will think he [Ryan] is sincere—that he believes to his core what he is saying. This is something Romney lacks,” Hudak told The Epoch Times in an email.

Ryan’s understanding of economic policy will also allow Romney to build on his own strengths, while adding a fresh but more conservative face, said Jennifer Marsico, political analyst with the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

“Ryan is also viewed as a strong conservative, which will likely help to shore up those in the Republican Party who believe that Romney is too moderate,” she wrote in an email. “Additionally, Ryan injects some youthfulness into the ticket—he is 42 years old.” 

Ryan will continue to campaign through Virginia on Saturday, moving to swing states North Carolina on Sunday, and Florida and Ohio through Monday and Tuesday, C-Span reported.

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