Roman Sword Discovered Near Oak Island Suggests New World Contact 1,000 Years Before Columbus

Investigators have found what is believed to be a Roman shipwreck of the coast of Canada, suggesting the ancient Romans made it to the New World.
Roman Sword Discovered Near Oak Island Suggests New World Contact 1,000 Years Before Columbus
The sword found near Oak Island, Canada. (National Treasure Society/

Researchers investigating the mysterious Oak Island, located on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, have made a startling announcement regarding the discovery of a Roman ceremonial sword and what is believed to be a Roman shipwreck, radically suggesting that ancient mariners visited North America more than 1,000 years before Christopher Columbus.

Evidence of the finding, which was exclusively revealed to Johnston Press and published in The Boston Standard, was uncovered by researchers involved in The History Channel’s series “Curse of Oak Island,” which details the efforts of two brothers from Michigan as they attempt to solve the mystery of the Oak Island treasure and discover historical artifacts believed to be concealed on the island.

J. Hutton Pulitzer, lead researcher and history investigator, along with academics from the Ancient Artifact Preservation Society, have compiled a paper on the finding, which is scheduled to be published in full in early 2016.

The Mystery of Oak Island

Oak island is home to one of the biggest treasure hunts in history, which began in 1795, when 18-year-old Daniel McGinnis saw lights coming from the island. Out of curiosity, he went searching for the lights and discovered a clearing on the southeastern end of the island.

Within the clearing was a circular depression, and nearby a tackle block hung from a tree. McGinnis and several friends returned to the area and began excavating the depression. A few feet beneath the surface, they discovered a layer of flagstone, and the pit walls had markings from a pick.

Approximately every ten feet (3 meters) they dug, they found a layer of logs. After excavating to 30 feet beneath the surface, McGinnis and his friends abandoned the excavation without ever finding anything of significance.

Reports of the boys’ efforts were published in several printed works. Eight years later, the Onslow Company sailed to the area to try to recover the supposed treasure that was assumed to lie hidden at the base of the pit.

Pultizer and his team have dug up numerous other pieces of evidence to support the theory that the Romans made it to the New World.

Based on the written accounts of the boys, the Onslow Company attempted an excavation of what was now referred to as the “Money Pit.” However, they were eventually forced to abandon their efforts due to flooding.

Numerous searches of the pit continued over the next two centuries, but they have been continually plagued with difficulties, including collapses and flooding within the pit. The entire island has been searched for treasure, a search continued today by Marty and Rick Lagina, as chronicled on “Curse of Oak Island.”

Startling Discovery—a Roman Sword

While most treasure hunters have ended up empty handed, a recent incredible finding could change history. A shipwreck, believed to be Roman, was found off Oak Island, and within the wreck was a well-preserved Roman ceremonial sword.

Pulitzer told the Boston Standard that the sword was hauled onto a fishing boat decades ago, but was kept secret because the finder and his son feared they would be punished due to strict laws in Nova Scotia regarding retrieving treasures from shipwrecks.

However, relatives of the finder (who is now deceased) recently came forward to reveal the precious sword to researchers.

Pulitzer carried out tests on the sword, using an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer, which revealed that the sword contained the same metallic properties, with traces of arsenic and lead, that match other Roman artifacts.

We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is Roman.
J. Hutton Pulitzer

“The shipwreck is still there and has not been worked,” Pulitzer told the Boston Standard. “We have scanned it, we know exactly where it lays, but it will be a touchy thing for the Nova Scotia government to allow an archaeological team to survey it. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is Roman.”

Further Evidence to Support Roman Presence

In an attempt to dismiss skeptics, who may suggest the artifact had simply fallen off the side of a boat in more recent times, Pultizer and his team have dug up numerous other pieces of evidence to support the theory that the Romans made it to the New World more than 1,000 years before Christopher Columbus.

These include the following:

  • Petroglyphs carved on cave walls and boulders in Nova Scotia by the indigenous Mi'kmaq people, which depict what Pulitzer’s team believe to be Roman soldiers marching with their swords, and Roman ships
  • Fifty words in the Native Mi'kmaq language that are nautical terms used by mariners from Roman times
  • An invasive species of plant (Berberis Vulgaris) growing on Oak Island and in Halifax, which was once used by Romans to season their food and prevent scurvy on their voyages
  • A Roman legionnaire’s whistle found on Oak Island in 1901
  • A metal “boss” from the center of a Roman shield found in Nova Scotia in the mid-1800s
  • Gold Roman Carthage coins found on the mainland near Oak Island
  • Two carved stones on Oak Island that Pulitzer says display a language from the ancient Levant

Epoch Times is following up on this discovery, stay tuned for more details!

Republished with permission. Read the original at Ancient Origins

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