Rolls-Royce’s New Driverless Car is Expectedly Breathtaking (Video)

Rolls-Royce recently introduced a fully autonomous vehicle concept called the Vision Next 100.
Epoch Video

The newest driverless car concept comes from a somewhat surprising automaker. Bloomberg is reporting that Rolls Royce recently introduced a fully autonomous vehicle, called the Vision Next 100, as part the centenary celebrations of its parent company, BMW Group.

The car’s exterior appearance is notable; at almost 20-feet in length and five-feet in height, it has been likened to a “futuristic catamaran.” Meanwhile, the interior features custom wood paneling, wool carpet flooring, and silk-covered seating the company calls a “luxurious throne.”

There is no dashboard or steering column; instead, the passengers will be assisted by Eleanor, “a Siri-like, artificially-intelligent virtual assistant and chauffeur.” That said, little has been revealed about the engine other than a “zero emissions powertrain” and “advanced suspension.”

According to The Guardian, the car may be available by the 2040s, but the Bloomberg report doubts the current concept will be produced as is.