Republican Representative’s Pro-Israel Sign Outside Office Vandalized

A GOP lawmaker expressed outrage after discovering a pro-Israel sign at his DC office had been desecrated.
Republican Representative’s Pro-Israel Sign Outside Office Vandalized
Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) listens at a hearing before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Energy in Washington on July 14, 2020. (Michael A. McCoy/Getty Images)

Rep. Tim Walberg’s (R-Mich.) sign in support of Israel, displayed outside his office in Washington, was vandalized, his office reported on Thursday.

“We’ve seen many examples of Hamas sympathizers ripping down posters of innocent hostages,” Michigan congressman posted on X. “Now, right here in the House office buildings, we see more cowardly acts of vandalism targeting those standing against terrorism.”

In his post, Mr. Walberg shared a photo of the sign—reading “I stand with Israel”—defaced with bloody handprints.

He added that the vandalism “only strengthens our resolve.”

In his original post on Monday, Mr. Walberg, a former pastor, emphasized the importance of global unity in condemning this act of terror and preventing future attacks.
“We must also condemn the anti-Semitism, threats, and lies that have erupted worldwide,” he wrote.

Pro-Israel Politicians Respond To Vandalism

Rep. John James (R-Mich.) responded to Mr. Walberg on X, saying, “I’m with Tim. I #StandWithIsrael.”
Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) expressed outrage at the vandalism, stating that it was indicative of an alarming rise in anti-Semitism in America.

“This is unacceptable and another example of the blatant antisemitism running rampant across our nation,” Mr. Gottheimer wrote. “Whether in the halls of Congress, on university campuses, or across our communities, we must all stand united against this hate.”

Mr. Walberg was not the only politician whose open show of support for Israel was met with vandalism.

On Oct. 19, Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) posted online that his “I stand with Israel” sign posted outside his office was torn when protestors entered the Cannon office building.

Walberg Stands With Israel

Ever since the Palestinian Hamas terrorist group’s unprecedented attack on Israel, killing about 1,400 Israelis, most of them civilians, and taking more than 200 hostages, Congressman Walberg has been vocal about his support for Israel.
He recently co-sponsored a non-binding resolution supporting Israel in its conflict with Hamas.

In a 412–10–6 vote, the House condemned Hamas’s “brutal war” launched against Israel earlier this month and “stands ready to assist Israel with emergency resupply and other security, diplomatic, and intelligence support.”

On Oct. 11, Mr. Walberg spearheaded a group of 43 colleagues in sending a letter to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, urging him to take action to ensure the well-being and safety of students of Jewish descent.

“In light of developing events, we encourage the Department to engage immediately with colleges and universities on their obligations to take prompt and appropriate action to respond to harassment that creates a hostile environment for Jewish students,” the letter reads.

“This should include placing those universities that have instances of student support for terrorism at the top of the list of universities to visit. Please immediately inform us of any actions that have been a part of the Antisemitism Awareness Campaign, including any prior or planned campus visits.”

He also urged leaders in Michigan to denounce a rally held in Dearborn, Michigan, earlier this month, during which speakers expressed support for Hamas and advocated for the destruction of Israel.

Hundreds Arrested At Israel–Hamas War Protest

The vandalism of Walberg’s pro-Israel sign also comes as Israel–Hamas war protests erupted across the country.
Last week, at least 300 demonstrators stormed the Cannon House office building, demanding a ceasefire from the Israel side.

Participants, engaging in continuous chanting during the protest, carried signs reading “Jews say: Stop the Genocide,” and “Free Palestine.”

The rally was organized by Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and IfNotNow in support of Palestinians.

These two Jewish groups have accused Israel of Palestinian genocide and other human rights violations following Hamas’s attack on Israel on Oct. 7.
“Today, 500 Jews were arrested and 10k took to the streets to support and to demand a ceasefire and an end to Palestinian genocide,” the JVP group stated in a post on X.

“We shut down congress to draw mass attention to the U.S. complicity in Israel’s ongoing oppression of Palestinians. But our work isn’t done.”

The protest led to several arrests.

“Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the U.S. Capitol Police shared on X.

“We warned the protesters to stop demonstrating, and when they did not comply, we began arresting them.”