Remembering Vimy Ridge

The Vimy Pin was created by the Vimy Foundation to commemorate Canada’s victory at Vimy Ridge on April 9, 1917. It is the Foundation’s goal that people wear the pin every Vimy Ridge Day in remembrance of the victory and in recognition of the event’s contribution to the Canadian identity.
Remembering Vimy Ridge
Epoch Times Staff
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The Vimy Pin was created by the Vimy Foundation to commemorate Canada’s victory at Vimy Ridge on April 9, 1917. It is the Foundation’s goal that people wear the pin every Vimy Ridge Day in remembrance of the victory and in recognition of the event’s contribution to the Canadian identity.

The Vimy Foundation is a registered charity founded in 2006 to raise awareness among Canadian youth of the courage and sacrifices made by the Canadian forces during WWI, best exemplified by the victory at Vimy Ridge, a pivotal moment on Canada’s road to nationhood.