Related Companies Invests in Sustainable Cities

Related Companies Invests in Sustainable Cities
Catherine Yang

Related Companies founder and chairman Stephen Ross is donating $30 million to the global research organization World Resources Institute (WRI) to create more sustainable cities.

“I have long been passionate about city-building and truly believe that well-designed cities can transform how people live by creating conditions where all people can thrive and innovation can take hold,” Ross stated. In New York, Related is building a “city within a city” on the 28-acre Hudson Yards site on Manhattan’s West Side, which will become the city’s first quantified community. 

The donation will establish the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities specifically to create solutions for cities. 

WRI covers over 50 cities worldwide, working with governments and businesses to create better cities. The organization focuses on protecting climate, energy, food, forests, water, and cities and transportation.

Cities, Ross says, has been one of the biggest challenge of the times. 

“Cities are the major drivers of economic growth, and should also offer a higher quality of life, and healthier environments,” Ross said.

Close to half the world’s population lies in cities already, and by 2030 an additional 1.5 billion people are expected to live in urban areas.

“Cities are becoming the focal point for sustainable development,” stated Andrew Steer, WRI president and CEO.

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