We Just Want to Hear Her Sing

“Why not let Yang Peiyi, perform?“ asked Flushing resident Mr. Li. ”It doesn’t matter that she isn’t pretty.”
We Just Want to Hear Her Sing
Volunteers at the service center for quitting the CCP outside public library in Flushing, New York City. Li Jia/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/flushingTuidang.jpg" alt="Volunteers at the service center for quitting the CCP outside public library in Flushing, New York City. (Li Jia/The Epoch Times)" title="Volunteers at the service center for quitting the CCP outside public library in Flushing, New York City. (Li Jia/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1833802"/></a>
Volunteers at the service center for quitting the CCP outside public library in Flushing, New York City. (Li Jia/The Epoch Times)
FLUSHING, New York City—Mr. Li, a resident of Flushing in New York City, raised his voice as he described the Chinese communist regime’s decision to have a pretty girl mime some singing during the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. His speech caught the attention of passers-by at the Golden Market in Flushing.

Mr. Li reckons that as soon as the decision was made to have a pretty little girl lip-sync during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, the entire event was ruined.

“We just wanted to hear her sing,” he said. “Why not let the real singer, Yang Peiyi, perform? It doesn’t matter that she isn’t pretty.” He believes this decision by the organizers reflects a deeper issue: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is interested only in making itself look good.

He said that people would not believe the CCP had truly improved until it had totally removed the influence of Mao Zedong and Karl Marx. “The CCP has done many horrible things to the Chinese people over the years, especially Mao Zedong; he is a true dictator, and many expat Chinese disliked Mao,” said Mr. Li.

Mr. Li criticized Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping for making serious mistakes. He said, “The CCP does not know to reflect on what has been happening to it; corruption remains an endemic problem within the Party. Corruption in China has infiltrated the entire administration of the CCP. In China, crimes committed by officials in charge of state-owned enterprises have become the norm.”

Mr. Li says, “I am old and have been an expat for 30 years. I no longer fear the Chinese regime’s threats.”

Mr. Li made these remarks while being interviewed at a “Quit the CCP” stand in Flushing. He even spoke out about Falun Gong. “How can they say that Falun Gong is against the Party? I don’t see that problem at all.” He pointed to a female Falun Gong practitioner. “Look at how pious, pure and peaceful she is. Can you say she’s a fake? Can you sit there for hours like she can? If Falun Gong is bad, why did hundreds of millions practice it in China before the CCP cracked down on Falun Gong? Isn’t it good for you physically? I admire Falun Gong!”

At the “Quit the CCP” stand, when Mr. Li was told that in order to get rid of the effects of the vow taken when he entered the Communist Young Pioneer he must sign a statement denouncing it, he did so immediately.

Since the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party there has been a massive wave of resignations from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. “Quit the CCP” booths like the one at Flushing and Internet sites allow people to formally register their withdrawal from anything to do with the CCP.

Read the original article in Chinese.

He Xiuer
He Xiuer
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